Strange Plant Macro Monday

Leucospermum Cordifolium VeldtFire

Cyanthea Cooperi Brentwood East Australia

Check out the participants for Macro Monday and join in the fun.


RoseBelle said…
Strange indeed. The first picture looks a multitude of spider legs clumped in the center.
Annelie said…
Thank´s for your kind comment on my blog!
Your macros is beautiful, Love the first one!
Joanne Olivieri said…
RoseBelle, LOL it does, it's actually a perennial shrub and when completely in bloom it is a yellow gold color. Thanks for stopping by.

Annelie, Thank you and I enjoyed your blog.
Ingrid said…
Very special indeed !
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks so much, Gattina
Hootin Anni said…
that last plant photo looks like a petrified sea creature...a starfish Excellent and all quite expert looking.

My Macro Monday is a bit on the odd side today...would you believe bricks?!! But it's all explained below the photos. Here. Come visit with me if you can. Have a great week.
Ann said…
what interesting plants those are.
Becky said…
Yes, Very strange, but also very unique, and a great choice for today.
nonizamboni said…
Stunning, and a bit strange. Great photos!
rainfield61 said…
Haha, we won't recognise anything when viewing under macro.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful macros! I like the fuzzy one
Joanne Olivieri said…
Hootin Anni, I loved your brick macro. What a great take on the theme. I'm always amazed at the imaginations and great ideas with these memes.

Ann, interesting to say the least :D thanks.

Becky and Gary, Thank you.

nonizamboni, Thanks so much.

Rainfield, I know, you are right lol!

Mumsy. Yeah, me too, the fuzzy one is cool.
msdewberry said…
You are right, those do look strange!! But exotic and cool at the same time!
Thanks for posting!
Unknown said…
I've never seen anything like these! Beautiful!!
Anonymous said…
Very interesting photos, I liked them! :)
I've never seen this plant before - its certainly quite out of the ordinary in these macro shots. :) Rosie
Kim, USA said…
I agree it's an strange plant. Happy Monday!

Macro Monday-Frog
The 1st looks like comfort food for the pollinator.
Joanne Olivieri said…
msdewberry, thanks I sort of gravitate towards the exotic and strange :)

Thanks so much Lisa, I'm having a blast with these memes.

Thank you Tinad.

Rosie, It's definitely exotic, thank you.

Manang, It really is, thanks for stopping by.
I have to do a double take on the third picture. Call my imagination wild but I thought that those were worms sticking out of the plant lol
Rick (Ratty) said…
I really like these pictures. They're so cool. This very close view is how I like looking at plants and flowers.
A 2 Z said…
Thanks for the visit! I love strange flowers and plants. Thanks for sharing this one.

Jientje said…
I've never seen anything like it. Nice work!
Unknown said…
Nice macro shots and what a neat looking plant.
"Lillagul" said…
That sure was some strange plants !
Great macroshots !
Thank´s for stopping by my blogg :)
Tara said…
Wow, it really is a strange plant...I get some creepy feeling with the hairy leaves..btw, thanks for the visit and sorry for being late here.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Michelle, it actually does look like that but it's not :D

Ratty, I do too, the up close and personal macros on flowers and plants are amazing.

Anne-Marie, I do as well, the more exotic, the better. Thanks so much for visiting.

Jientje, I know, there are some wild and exotic species at the gardens.

Thanks, Diane, it was pretty cool

Lillagul, Yes they are :) You are welcome and thank you.

Dharm, Thank you for your visit.

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