Lands End at The Cliff House

I've written about the Cliff House last year on this blog of which you can read more information by clicking here. This spot is so gorgeous especially on a warm and blue sky day that I had to go back with my new camera to get some shots. Carmen and I took a ride out there last week to take photos and just enjoy the day.

This is a side closeup view of the Cliff House.

Carmen in front of the large totem pole.

We decided to have a drink inside the bar and rest before we headed out for more photos. The views from the Cliff House are fantastic. I thought this was a unique shot of Lands End from the window inside the bar area. Sort of a natural mosaic.

The photo above shows the bar area of the restaurant below us. There are actually two restaurants and two bars within the Cliff House. You can always get a drink there :)

View of the Cliff House From Beach Chalet


Secondary Roads said…
Looks like a very nice place to spend a day.
EG CameraGirl said…
The location is superb! It looks like a building fro another world in the last photo. But wait! To me in Ontario, Canada, San Francisco IS another world. :)
Verna Luga said…
this is yet another human marvel... great photo... love this view..

Anything Davao
Anonymous said…
It is truly gorgeous :)
Bossy Betty said…
Ah! Thanks for the wonderful outing!
Jane Doe said…
Talk about paradise! What a beautiful spot. Your pictures are lovely.

Have a great day.
Antonio Bettencourt said…
One of my very favorite spots, beautiful photographed!
Annie Jeffries said…
I haven't been to this part of SF in more years than I can remember. I REALLY need to get to SF again.
Bangchik and Kakdah said…
At that contrasting point, where land meets the sea, there is a general feeling of awe.... beautiful.
Debbiedoos said…
This place looks awesome! Thanks for sharing your fantastic photos.
aspiritofsimplicity said…
there is a Cliff House in Maine also and at first I thought that is where you were...but not. Yours looks like a beautiful one as well. Lovely views.
Ann said…
Just beautiful. What a great place to spend the day with the camera.
Janis said…
Gorgeous place to visit. The views are outstanding!
Priyanka Bhowmick said…
what a wonderful place!! i wish my home ws there :D
Anonymous said…
What a joy it must have been to feel, hear and taste the air and sea. Thank you for this small escape during the middle of the night. A wonderful start into the Tuesday of yours.

daily athens
Out on the prairie said…
Make mine a salad with calamari.A favorite place to eat and enjoy the surf.
Unknown said…
Beautiful! Looks like a fantastic place and day!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Chuck, it really is even on a foggy day it's gorgeous out there.

EG Wow, :D ditto. I would love to visit your side of the world.

Vernz, thank you so much :)

Thanks, Brittany

Bossy, you are welcome, I'll be your tour guide anytime

Jane, thanks so much for your kind words.

Antonio, mine too thanks so much

Annie, yes you should and when you do I'll take you to lunch there, you'll love it.

Bang, so well said and so true. Thank you.

Debbie, thank YOU for visiting and offering your kind words.

hip, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

Ann, it really is though it does get very windy there too. Thanks.

Thank you Janis and glad you enjoyed it.

Priyanka, Thanks :)

Robert, thank you and it was and always is a joy.

Prairie, Sounds perfect and just add a sauvignon blanc and you're all set :)
Marice said…
I so agree! the place is so gorgeous and it looks like a paradise indeed! great photos!
Hello Jo
Where is it located? I wanted to visit it if I get a chance to go back there ; )
AVCr8teur said…
Such a beautiful place on a sunny day. I've never tried either restaurants. I bet it was nice to sit and enjoy the view.
VanillaSeven said…
Very neat building at amazing location. It must be beautiful at sunset :)
Maharlikah said…
Awesome photos. Your place is indeed a beautiful one.
Rick (Ratty) said…
I like the look of this place. It's nice to gewt a good look at it. The view from there of the ocean is obviously wonderful. I'd like to see a better look at that totem pole too.
Unknown said…
gorgeous indeed.
Leslie D. said…
Thanks for the photo "tour". I've never beent here but now I want to go. Especially love the distant shot. Spectacular how it's suspended on the cliff.
Duni said…
What a great place to visit! I really miss the ocean - the water, the wind, the smell. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos!
Kass said…
Looks like a fabulous place.
Anonymous said…
Wow..that's a beautiful place to spend the day! Beautiful photos, Jo!
rainfield61 said…
The place is good, but your friendship with Carmen must be even better.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Marice, thank you and have a wonderful week.

Michelle, it is at ocean beach on the far west side of San Francisco. When you get back here, we'll go for a drink. xoxo

Karen, the views are stunning there even in the fog.

Vanilla, it is simply stunning at sunset. Thanks for stopping by.

Belle, thank you so much for your kind words.

Ratty it is gorgeous. That totem pole is really cool but it's difficult to get a shot of it because it is so tall and from the edge of the sidewalk, you can only get a partial view. There is no sidewalk on the other side of the highway so the only way I could possible get the entire pole, full view is to go into Sutro Park across the street which is basically atop a mountain and use my zoom lens. I may try that this week or next, if I get one, I'll post it here.

Thanks so much Dave.

LD, Yes, it's been renovated several times and after a couple of fires so it's holding on tight to that cliff. Thanks.

Duni, aw, thank you so much for visiting and leaving a comment.

Kass, It's a cool spot, you'd love it. Thanks

Icy, Thank you I love it there and it's very close to my place so I'm there often.

rainfield, Yes, we do have alot of fun and laugh constantly :D

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