The Brenda Photo Challenge 6/19/10 - Bedtime (rated PG)
Ah, the comforts of home in a three star hotel. Next are the three things I must do at bedtime.

Count sheep

Have a sip
Photo taken by Carmen :)
And, well you get the idea... (Photo subject clothed to protect identity)
This was a fun challenge so make sure to visit the Brenda Photo Challenge and see what all the other participants posted.
Cheers, have a great weekend.
Love These!! Especially counting Sheep!!Hahaa
Happy weekend!
Bang, I never thought of that but it could be :D
Donna, Thanks, this was a great challenge, loved it!
Prairie, thank you :)
lina, you are hysterical LOL!
Diane, Thank you :)
Kass, :) you are welcome
WR, Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting
Donna, I tried to keep it as clean as I could :D
Diane, It was. It's actually a pic of the hotel room I stayed in while traveling in Hong Kong.
Brenda, Thank you so much.
Thanks for the giggles!
Thanks Glynis LOL!
Jeanne, thanks alot for stopping by.
Icy, The first thing hat came to my mind for this challenge was that last photo so I had to use it :D
Sheri, glad I could accommodate :D Thanks