Spring Flowers Haiku

Spring flowers
paint my garden
with blossoms

From my latest photography and haiku book - Petals Unfold

A portion of the sales from each book will be donated to the San Francisco Botanical Gardens.


Lois Evensen said…
Lovely image. Pink is so pretty.
rebecca said…
how perfect is out timing???

i was thunder struck (5)
such wondrous simplicity, (7)
haiku on fridays! (5)

come see...
come play!

Unknown said…
excellent details.
vincibene said…
Wonderful flower!
And haiku!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Lois, thank you so much

rebecca, thanks for the heads up on that, I did not even know about it. I just created my post and entered it. Thanks again.

Dave, Thank you so much for visiting and commenting.

vinci, Ah, thank you :)
Ann said…
Beautiful spring flower with a perfect haiku to accompany it.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks so much, Ann. I love doing these.

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