Mellow Yellow & Macro Monday - Flower Garden

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~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
So many gorgeous flowers! Great macro of these beauties.
cheesecakepoi said…
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rainfield61 said…
I have a macro Monday today.
My joy has been magnified.
Bright colours...make me happy.
☺lani☺ said…
Nice shots! Love the flowers!
Jenny said…
There's nothing a whole lot prettier than a yellow flower. Happy Monday, Joanne!
Ingrid said…
Gorgeous flower shots ! especially nice to look at when it is so cold and grey outside and it is supposed to be summer !
Ruth said…
Beautiful collection of flowers! Loved the vibrant and happy colors. Lovely! Your macro shots are great.
The real beauty is in the inside..... The outside is just for show.
eileeninmd said…
Beautiful flowers and photos! Great choices for MYM!
Pat's Addition said…
Love the yellow rose, great shot. CA is a great state for flowers.
Dani said…
marvelous shots! flowers full of warmth..

thanks for the visit

Happy Monday!
Birgitta said…
Wow! Such beautiful serie of flowers!
Wonderful shots!
Linnea said…
These are all lovely flowers and so well photographed. I particularly love the first shot. I could see taking that and blowing it up really big to make a huge wall poster. Fabulous! Thanks for stopping by at my bridge shot. Yesterday was a wonderful day in the City!
Ma.links said…
Lovely flowers. Great captures.
My favourite is the last one with the azalea's. Everyone of them is a great macro shot.
so many beautiful roses, lilies.....

love that pale pink rose. perfection!
Pooja Aggarwal said…
I like the first shot of the pink flower with the yellow center
i meant pale pink...silly me.
Stephanie V said…
Absolutely gorgeous macros. And all those pretty yellows. Perfect.
The Tablescaper said…
So many gorgeous and lush flowers. Just beautiful.

Thanks for coming and visiting The Tablescaper.

I host a weekly meme called "Summer Sundays". It's all about what summer means to YOU! I'd love to have you participate. Come and join the fun.

- The Tablescaper
Maboe said…
I like your flowers!
I shot all my new flowers while there was sun this morning.NICE!
Kala said…
Lovely colors and details in these macro images.
RNSANE said…
These are macro magnificent and marvelous!
Ann said…
Gorgeous yellows and macros. Love those lilies, they're so pretty. The only kind of lilies I have are tiger lilies.
Dutchbaby said…
Is that a Matilija poppy I see there? My Macro Monday today is also of this wonderful poppy.
"Lillagul" said…
Hi !
What a lovely flowercollage !
And many yellow that I like :)
Thank´s for your visit at my blog !
Jan n Jer said…
Beautiful macros...can never get enough of flowers
betchai said…
goregeous yellow macros, Jo. they're all awesome. the very first yellow rose really caught my eye, must be how the petals have been folded.
EG CameraGirl said…
These photos are so sharp! Very nice!
RoseBelle said…
How I wish I can grow these lovely flowers in my backyard! They are absolutely gorgeous.
Unknown said…
Wow! you have many beautiful flowers!! I love the wild roses!
Unknown said…
Beautiful selection of yellow flowers!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Mumsy, you are too sweet, thank you.

Rainfield, that is a great way to put it. Thank you.

Willie, I'm glad it made you smile :)

Jennifer, I so agree and Happy Monday and the rest of the week to you, enjoy!

Lani, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your comment.

Gattina, I know what you mean :) whenever its foggy and rainy here I look through all my photos.

Bangchik, so true and so poetic. Thank you.

Ruth, thanks so much for your kind words.

Eileen, thanks so much and have a great week ahead.

Pat, I love yellow roses too and yes, we have a cornucopia of flowers out here. Thanks.

Dani, thank you so much.

Brigitta, your visit and comment is so appreciated.

Linnea, thank you and I may just do that one of these days. Your bridge shot was extraordinary. The city is nice and gorgeous today too.

ma.links, thank you so much for visiting.

Rosie, I love azleas, they are just so pretty and thank you so much.

Wild raspberry, thank you, very much appreciated
JunieRose2005 said…
Beautiful flowers- all!!

Joanne Olivieri said…
Pooja, thank you for the kind comment.

Stephanie, Thanks I try to display an assortment.

Tablescaper, thanks so much and I will check it out.

CTD Ponies and M and D, thanks so much for your visits and for leaving your thoughts.

Prairie, that is the best time to take those shots.

Kala, thanks so much

Carmen, you are a sweetie, thank you.

Ann, I love tiger lilies, thanks.

dutchbaby, yes it is and I saw that, they are gorgeous aren't they? Thank you.

Liliagul, thank you and I enjoyed visiting you.

Jan and Jer,Thank you I adore all flowers, I'm obsessed :D

betchai, thank you and that is a favorite of mine too. The petals are what make me smile.

Eg, thanks alot for visiting and commenting.

Rosebelle, I wish I could too :D These were taken at the Botanical Gardens and the Rose Garden in San Francisco. I visit there all the time.

Thank you so much Lisa, I really love contributing to this meme.

Diane, Thanks always for visiting and commenting.
Mylene said…
Amazing flowers!!!

Thank you for the visit!

Happy Monday!
ruthi said…
lovely flowers. love all the macro shots. another great shots. keep it up.
Mylene said…
Very beautiful flowers!!!
Thank you for the visit!
The 5th picture looks quite unique with its stipes! You have done it again!
Rajesh said…
Wow! beautiful flowers. Fantastic variety.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Junie, thanks so much for your kind comments.

Mylene, you are welcome and thank YOU!

Thank you ruthi, very much appreciated.

Michelle, Mrs.M, Aw, you are so sweet :) xoxo

Rajesh, Thanks so much for visiting and commenting.
Jama said…
I can't decide which shot I love best as all of the are so amazingly beautiful.
AVCr8teur said…
You've picked some gorgeous flowers to photograph.
janet said…
beautiful yellow flowers!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Jama, thanks so much for your kind compliment.

chub, thank you very much

Karen, I like a wild variety :)\

janet, thank you so much
wow, I love all your pictures shared. It's fantastic and amazing flowers... First time to be here. Thank you for the visit. Hope to see you again.
Unknown said…
Lovely colors and flowers.
Eden said…
Gorgeous blooms and the yellow roses are my favourites. Great shots. Thank you for sharing.
Joanne Olivieri said…
My family, thanks so much and I will visit again soon.

Ann, thank you so much.

Lucka, thank you for the compliment.

Eden, so glad you like them, thank you.

peachkins, And to you as well.
charmie said…
This is beautiful shots.
Joanne Olivieri said…
charmie, thank you so much.
Stef said…
I love all the photos but my fave are the 1st and 7th. Great capture of these flowers' beauty! Keep it up!

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