Sundays in my City - San Francisco

Artisan bakers entertain the tourists at Boudin's Sourdough on Jefferson Street in Fisherman's Wharf.

St. Peter and Pauls Church on Washington Square in North Beach, where I was baptized way too many decades ago :)

The San Francisco Botanical Gardens water fowl pond.

The Balclutha at Hyde Street Pier.

Unknown Mami
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Tara R. said…
A beautiful photographic tour of your city. A little bit of everything.
Lolia S said…
Gorgeous pics, Joann! I've never seen the bakers at Boudin or that ship, so you're showing me images of SF that I haven't seen despite having lived here for years :)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Tara, thanks so much, there are so many things to see here. Have a wonderful Sunday.
Joanne Olivieri said…
S, you'd love Boudins. It's somewhat near the corner of Jefferson at Taylor as you're walking towards Pier 39. You can't miss it, the smell of bread baking a block away. Cool restaurant inside as well. The Balclutha is at Hyde Street Pier. Hyde and Jefferson, one block down from the cable car turnaround at the wharf.
Sonya said…
Beautiful photos! I could realllly go for some of that delicious looking bread : )
Campbell Jane said…
My mouth begain to water when I saw your picture of the guys at Boudin's! I could almost smell that bread! YUM! Hoping to get there to see the Impressionist exhibition at the de Young before it's gone. Thanks for sharing. Like a little get-away!
Ann said…
Thanks for the lovely little tour of your fair city. That church is beautiful
RNSANE said…
All great pictures, Jo - and something every visitor ( and resident ) of San Francisco should see. Great variety of shots!!
Claudya Martinez said…
I love me some San Francisco.
Bossy Betty said…
Thanks! Makes me want to go there soon!
J. M. P. said…
What a lovely walk. I like very much the first image, I think I could spend hours in front of that bakery!
Annie Jeffries said…
One of these days, I must visit St. Peter's and Paul's Church. On the Catholic calendar for November 18th (my birthdate) the dedication of the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul is celebrated that day.
ruthi said…
you live in a very interesting city. love the photos.
Liz@thisfullhouse said…
Would love to visit again, some day!
mimbles said…
Oh, you've brought back memories of sourdough bread from Fisherman's Wharf back in 1985 when I was 14 years old and had never had sourdough before!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Sonya, you can smell the bread blocks away and it's scrumptious. Thanks.

Jane, I know what you mean, my mouth waters just thinking about it. I have not seen the DeYoung exhibit but heard it's wonderful. Come on out.

Ann, thanks it is gorgeous inside but I didn't have time to go in while I was there.

Thanks, Carmen and you are right. Eveyone should see these spots.

Mami, SO DO I! :)

Bossy, you should come out here. We'd have a blast!

fullet, I like to spend hours inside the bakery eating :D

Annie, I did not know that, thanks for the info and thanks always for visiting and commenting.

ruthi, thank you but I'd like to live in HK for a while too :)

Liz, and I hope you will someday. Thank you.

mimbles, The wharf was so cool back then and I'm glad I could bring you some good memories. Thank you.
gary said…
very interesting. love the last photo. very interesting boat.
Hannah said…
beautiful pictures of one of my favorite places ever! I will be there this weekend for a wedding and I am excited to go! Hope you have a wonderful week!
R.S Mallari said…
Captivating! Those bread made me hungry.

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