Sundays in my City - San Francisco
Artisan bakers entertain the tourists at Boudin's Sourdough on Jefferson Street in Fisherman's Wharf.

St. Peter and Pauls Church on Washington Square in North Beach, where I was baptized way too many decades ago :)
The San Francisco Botanical Gardens water fowl pond.
The Balclutha at Hyde Street Pier.

Jane, I know what you mean, my mouth waters just thinking about it. I have not seen the DeYoung exhibit but heard it's wonderful. Come on out.
Ann, thanks it is gorgeous inside but I didn't have time to go in while I was there.
Thanks, Carmen and you are right. Eveyone should see these spots.
Mami, SO DO I! :)
Bossy, you should come out here. We'd have a blast!
fullet, I like to spend hours inside the bakery eating :D
Annie, I did not know that, thanks for the info and thanks always for visiting and commenting.
ruthi, thank you but I'd like to live in HK for a while too :)
Liz, and I hope you will someday. Thank you.
mimbles, The wharf was so cool back then and I'm glad I could bring you some good memories. Thank you.