Camera Critters - At The Botanical Gardens

Camera Critters

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Ann said…
I'm not a fan of flies but when you see them close up they are rather fascinating. Love the duck close up or far away :)
eileeninmd said…
Great shots, love the green shiny head of the mallard duck.
Kay L. Davies said…
Yes, you've almost made the fly look pretty. Looks pretty good, though, how's that for a compromise.
And that duck! The bright yellow bill, the beautiful green head. He's gorgeous, no doubt about that.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
RNSANE said…
You keep the fly, Jo, and give me Quackers. Funny, my post was of another Botanical Garden duck.
Chubskulit Rose said…
Gorgeous shots.

Camera Critters at my page, have a spooky Halloween!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ann, I'm not thrilled over them blither :) but I like capturing them. He's got some weird eyes there :D

eileen, thank you.

Kay, thanks so much for your visit and words.

Carmen, let's face it, we are both quackers :)

Chub, Thank you and have a great Halloween.
Coffeeveggie addict. said…
Great capture!im fine with them as l0ng they d0n't t0uch my skin and f0od.
Self Sagacity said…
Your photos are fabulous. The bug and the duck can't escape your lens. :-)

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