Camera Critters - Turtles

Spreckles Lake located in Golden Gate Park in the heart of San Francisco is a playground for birds and turtles. This large stone turtle is situated in the lake and is the resting and sunbathing spot for the turtles who make the lake their home.

Camera Critters

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Martha Z said…
This made me think of the Native American creation story of the turtle carrying the earth on its back. It's an image to linger over.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Martha, Ah yes, I've heard that story and it is something to ponder. Thank you and have a great weekend.
VioletSky said…
what a perfect basking rock. the little guys can dream of growing as big and strong!
Ann said…
That stone turtle is so cool. Was it put there just for the turtles?
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ann, yeah it was. They wanted something decorative so the turtles could hang out :D It's pretty cool to see in person.

Violet sky, Exactly, what a great inspirational idea. Thank you
Bossy Betty said…
SO cool! You know I love turtles. These are some big ones!
LadyFi said…
What delightful shots!
It looks like the turtles are playing king of the hill! :-D
Joanne Olivieri said…
Bossy Betty, yeah they are a little hefty :D

LadyFi, thank you and glad you like them

John, HaHaHa - Good one :D
eileeninmd said…
How neat the turtles can climb up on the bigger rock turtle. Great capture.
Katie said…
That is so funny to see turtles climbing on a turtle sculpture!
ruthinian said…
awwwww... this is so cute. what a joy ride.

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