Mellow Yellow Monday - Flowers

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Chubskulit Rose said…
You have such lovely blooms.

Spice Up Your Life with some yellows.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Chub, Thanks so much :)

Kim, Thanks for your kind compliment
Eds said…
Wow what an awesome macro!
Kelli said…
beautiful shades of yellow, stunning shots
A.M.I.N.A said…
Beautiful macros!These yellow flowers are gorgeous!
Kay L. Davies said…
Absolutely beautiful. Words fail me.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Sadia said…
A warm corner amidst the cold! Lovely blooms Joanne!
Liz said…
Fabulous shots!

Happy MYM!

Liz @ MLC
gengen said…
They really looks so beautiful...happy MYM!
Gizelle said…
Beautiful flowers! Very vibrant! Have a lovely week ahead...
Becky said…
These colors are just gorgeous. LOVE the bell shaped flower.
Have a wonderful week.
Kass said…
So unusually beautiful!
Ann said…
beautiful yellow flowers, perfect for a gloomy Monday morning
Gary Orona said…
What a great Macro! You captured them so beautifully.
Angel said…
Very cute photos :)
FAB said…
Thanks for brigtening up a very grey day over here. FAB.
Willa said…
what a beautiful macro captured!
RNSANE said…
Glorious, Jo, no one could ever stay in a gloomy mood looking at those shots. Hope you are feeling better every day! I'm thinking good thoughts about you, in between my own maladies, physical and electronic!!
Channal said…
lovely... love the photos / Anna
Anonymous said…
Those are some really beautiful photo takes!!!

God Bless!!!

Oh my gosh those are absolutely stunning. I love them. Wish I could learn to take good macro shots.
EG CameraGirl said…
Wow! So many beautiful yellows!
Andrea said…
beautiful, i haven't seen a yellow Brugmansia or angel's trumpet!
Erika B said…
Stunning yellow shots!

Erika B
Duni said…
Just what I needed on this dark, snowy day...
Anonymous said…
Each and every one of these are so vibrant and alive...pure eye candy!
DoanLegacy said…
Gorgeous yellow macro flowers! You've captured their beauty so well.
Unknown said…
Those sumptuous flower macros are just perfect for Mellow Yellow Monday.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks so much to all of you. I so appreciate your visits and comments.

Of all the colors under the sun
Yellow is the mellowest one.
Its hues are varied, if truth be told—
Cream and amber, and even gold.
Saffron’s considered a yellow hue,
So are lemon and bisque—buff too!
One mustn’t forget the lion’s mane—
Tawny and blond like Penny Lane.
And when full moons glow golden at night
They cast on earth a xanthic light.
Of all the colors under the sun,
Yellow, my friend, is the most fun!

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher

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