
Showing posts from September, 2010

Thursday Two Questions Meme #3

What is this little guy thinking? Why are there always spider webs all over cactus plants? Click the above widget for Thursday Two ?'s

Wordless Wednesday - Exotic Foliage

Click here to visit the other participants at Wordless Wednesday

Chapbook Review: Theater of Life by Pat. St. Pierre

I first met Pat St. Pierre when she submitted A Taste Of Summer to Ya'Sou ! ezine for publication. Her poetic voice is such that she can artistically express her thoughts within a simple yet complex imagery that not only entertains but tells a story. Her poetry is reflective and ground within her own roots, calling on memories and the complexities that life hands us. When I found out she had published Theater of Life I was thrilled. I knew I was in for a treat and decided to read this book while out in a nature setting so that I could involve all the senses clinging to her words. Her poems are telling, they have meaning and are written with care. Metaphor is highly present and regarded in each verse with endings that have the reader contemplating life as in the poem - The Woman in Me As a child vibrant colored leaves were gathered on autumn days and preserved in picture frames. The woman in me views autumn as God's angels having painted a majestic array of colors. As...

Watery Wednesday - Library Courtyard Fountain

Click here for more watery Wednesday fun

Blue Monday - Blue Leaves

I came across these blue leaves while going through a pathway at the botanical gardens. They caught my eye because they were a small patch of blue color among a sea of green leaves. They were so unusual I had to get a photo of them. Click here to visit all the other participants in Blue Monday

Sabrina Speaks

Sabrina Speaks I met my favorite poet, Jo, many years ago at Pier 39 when I was visiting my friends. She liked me right away. Who wouldnā€™t? She told my Mom and Dad she bonded with me. I donā€™t know what that means but if it gets poems and books written about me, hey! Iā€™m happy. Check out my sidebar for my new book - It's of course, all about me. Maybe sheā€™ll learn to write a screenplay one of these days and I can star in my own movie. One can only hope. Get to it, Jo! Until then, I bid you peace. Doggie kisses & hugs xoxo

Mellow Yellow Monday - Yellow Refreshed

Make sure to visit the other participants by clicking the above widget

Macro Monday Floral Burst

Click here for more fantastic macro photography.

Poetic Shutterbug Ezine

I have had many requests to bring my ezine back to life. The thought of creating a brand new site or blog gave me hives :D. I just don't have the time. However, creating a new page on this blog was easy and alot less time consuming. So, I give you Poetic Shutterbug Ezine and ask that any of you writers who wish to share your poetry/haiku with us, please do so. Just visit: and follow the guidelines. The ezine page will be promoted as actively as my blog. Your poetry will appear at the top of the page as it is posted. And, you can include your own blog or website link. I don't know how to make separate posts on the new page and I don't know if it can even be done. If anyone knows, please let me know. So, the post will be continuous. Any questions, post them here or email me. Thanks and have fun.

Sundays in my City - From Sutro Park

One of the two stone lions at Sutro Park gate. View of the Cliff House from Sutro Park The gazebo Beautiful trees and green grass Palm trees and shadows View of the Richmond district from Sutro Park Travel the world by clicking the above widget.

Straight Out Of The Camera Sunday - Squirrel

This little guy loved posing for the camera :) Click here for more straight out of the camera shots.

Camera Critters - The California Academy of Sciences Aquarium

All of these photos were taken with my new camera in a low light museum setting on auto mode without flash. I am a happy camper. 

Macro Flowers Saturday - Bell Flowers

Click the above widget to explore more beautiful flowers.

Working 9 to 5 - Not!!!

I just wanted to let you all know that I have not forgotten about any of you. I have been working a part time job for the past few weeks and although I'm working from home it is cutting into my time as far as keeping up with comments and answering your comments when you post to my blog. Between that and taking care of the gardens Facebook page and Twitter page, along with all of my own stuff, I just don't have enough time in the day. I usually pre schedule my blog posts to make sure that there is one post each day. I know, I'm obsessed. In any case I will be visiting all of you when I can and if I don't answer your comments it doesn't mean I don't love you all. It just means I'm too swamped. Please keep visiting and I promise I'll do the same when I can. Thanks to all of you :)

Thursday Two Questions Meme #2

Why would anyone climb down a jagged, steep cliff, while talking on a cell phone only to perch upon a rock that is hundreds of feet from the ground? What in the world is this? Be sure and visit the other participants by clicking the above widget.

Tranquility @ The Gardens
