Fall Leaves - Restless


as changing leaves
unfold seasons
of mystery, new life

among multitudes
unique, yet alike
chasing winds

not the leaf
nor I
entangled limbs



Ann said…
Very nice poem and the photos are great. Rather sad though that it's already that time of year. Love the leaf with the red just on the edges on the one leaf.
rainfield61 said…
The life of a leave continues though turning into carbon...
I love your fall photos! I experience fall when I was in NYC.
Bossy Betty said…
Perfect pictures and poem for this fall morning. Thanks!
J. M. P. said…
I love the poem and all these colors on the photos. This is really unique!
Bill said…
What a wonderful poem attached to these marvelous photographs! Just loved every bit of this.

Joanne Olivieri said…
Ann, thanks so much. This year went by pretty fast.

rainfield, you are so wise :)

Michelle, A gorgeous time of year, thank you.

Bossy, Glad you like it and thank you.

Josep, thanks so much and a happy fall season to you.

Bill,Thanks so much.
AVCr8teur said…
Signs of oncoming Fall. Good-bye Summer, you were short, but sweet.
Diane AZ said…
Oh my, gorgeous leaf shapes, colors and textures. And, I love the "Restless" poem, perfect for the fall season.
Linnea said…
It's that time of year again and I love scenes like these! Happy first day of autumn!
ruthi said…
ah fall. these are the reasons why i love fall. the colors.

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