
Quietude ebook by Joanne Olivieri

 Quietude quiet envelops the trees leaves speak foreign tongues ancient manuscript JOANNE OLIVIERI Copyright © 2019  Joanne Olivieri All rights reserved.  ISBN: 978-0-359-50064-2          DEDICATION Dedicated to my Mom who bought me my first  book of poetry at age ten and who always encouraged my  writing. This is for you. RIP Mom I Love You For my Sammers who made me laugh each and every day and to my sweet boy Sonny, Waffles, Dottie and Hoshi who all have my heart. A special thanks to Sony and Jerry Holland for showing me that anything is possible. Their support and love inspire me each day. Love you two. Clothespin Doll For Mom It touched your heart a wooden clamp adorned in torn fabric, colors of life, Streaming tears of sorrow, yet joy,  she was your dolly. You dressed her each day with different colored fabric, two dotted eyes and a painted smile, kept warm in a sewing machine drawer, protected, loved. Your clothespin baby didn

Happy Birthday Wilbur

  Happy 18th Birthday Wilbur

Poetique Lens

  cascading sea tears  cleansing seaside sands of time soul soliloquy  feathered symmetry gently whispering freedom flighted earth angels

Ancient Selfie

Going thru all my photos today.  I have over 5,000 photos that I took of the SF botanical gardens over the past decades.  This one is actually my first selfie that i took with a regular camera. There weren't cell phones at that time and i wanted a photo of myself with my favorite flower, the Oriental trumpet lily. I guess thats why the lily is larger than my head.🤣

Shadow waters


Birdie Antics
