A Tribute To Mom - Spiritual Nourishment eBook by Joanne Olivieri

Spiritual Nourishment
By Joanne Olivieri

for full bio and information.

Photos and words
by Joanne Olivieri

Copyright 2018
Joanne Olivieri
All Rights Reserved

In memory of my Mom for all those early mornings we attended 6:30 mass together at St. Ceciliaā€™s church.
Special, cherished memories.
Thank you for the Catholic school education and for gifting me my first poetry book at age 10.

Prince Of Peace

The dove of peace unfolds his wings.
    angel hair entwines heartstrings.
As spirits chant, a minstrel sings,
    the choral melody of kings.

Due North a star, lights the way
To Prince of Peace, where He lay.

                   A child
                   So Mild

A Savior born on Christmas day.


On thy lips, fruit of the vine
    shall evoke a taste of shame
Martyred bloodshed cup of wine
    invisible in His name.

Thy wrath befell upon the sight
Of devils chance to winged flight

                   Yet we
                   Shall see

Lion and lamb, lie down with thee.

A Need To Pray

As we awake to the echo of dawn
with a silent reflection of day,
our hearts and souls are renewed
as we thank God by our need to pray.

A need that is fueled by hope
and a faith which is never betrayed,
by God who delivers the saving rope
as we climb the mount of temptation each day.

If we misstep and lose our balance
and begin to go astray
our Lord will provide spiritual guidance,
when we fall to our knees and pray.

His Light

    His light rekindles day to day
    and sparks His image as we pray.

Beyond the jagged etched twilight
a moonlit gloss projects His light.
A piercing glow injects our veins
with Holy serum spread as rain.
He filters through our heart and soul
providing strength to make us whole.

    His spark rekindles as we pray
    and lights his image day to day.

Mary Our Mother

Clothed in sunlight, crowned with stars
show us your mercy from afar.
Infinite wisdom, divine grace
the lamb of God endears your face.

Fruit of your womb, a virgin snow
your tears of love will help us grow.
Mary, dear Mother, queen of May
dwell in our hearts, let us not stray.


Voice of the angels
perfect harmony
uplift my spirit
sweet melody.

Lyrical notes
harped echo
protect my soul
from all woe.

Melodious chant
beloved hymn
soothe my soul
blessed Seraphim.

for Mom

Are you my angel?

Who guides my soul
who feels my heart
who drinks my thoughts
who soothes my mind

Are you my angel?


Together in time.

My Gifts For You

The greatest of Godā€™s gifts
I can wish for you
are taken for granted by many
though for me, hold precious and true.

A canary softly chirping
A mandolin strumming in rhyme

A rose gently unfolding
An infant, smiling for the first time.

The sun slowly setting
The moon waking to rise

The seaā€™s waves calming
The drifting winds chime

Trees melodically swaying
Mountains, to the heavens they climb

These are my gifts for you,
With love, dear friend of mine.

My Lighthouse

When the waves of the sea lie still
and the sea bird's cry is mute
and the sunlight is buried in darkness
with the balance of life in disputeā€¦

I know that grief has encompassed
and begun to drown my soul
emerging in cascades of pain
drowning what once was whole.

I know as I ask my savior
for His help in lighting my way
my God will become my lighthouse
and chart the path to ease my pain.


An angel softly wept
as showers cleansed the earth,
while we peacefully slept
planted seeds of new birth.

A spiritual cleansing of sorts
shedding a mask grown old,
unburdened without remorse
new beginnings yet to unfold.

A luminous rainbow awakens
lending color to our skies,
a protective stained glass garment
Heaven shields the angels cries.

Spiritual Nourishment

A gift for the soul
as warmth from the sun
caress and beholds
our spirits as one.

Seeds of the future
enriched by our care
experience nature
and love, we will share

Harvests to flourish
the fruits of this earth
spiritually nourished
by God, and His works.

Weapon of Faith

His scepter, a sword in divine attire
Pierces the serpent, with tongues of fire.
He fans the flames of Satanā€™s desire
As a weapon of faith, for spiritual hire.

The Northern Gate

A child is born into the night
unto the womb of  heavenā€™s light.
His journey plants a seed of peace
as sacrificial lamb to fleece.
His shoulders bear a cross of blood
as tears of sin unleash the flood.

Thine eyes behold the Northern gate
and see the stars prophetic fate.

Forsaken not, by Fatherā€™s hand
His death, doth scar a shallow land.
He rose above, upon third day
sight unseen to light the way.
His death became the gift of life
to free the soul, of endless strife.

Thine eyes behold the Northern gate
and see the stars prophetic fate.


At dusk
a quiet silence rests
over the fading sunset
shadowed by auburn hues.

Darkness awakens
like a whisper
with ease
embracing the horizon.

The moon
takes place
among the stars
on a higher domain.

Until dawn
the quiet passes
with solace
and solemn regard.

Listen To The Quiet

The hush of falling snow
the breath of stormy seas
bIrds frolicking on the meadow
forest parade of gallant trees.

Honeysuckly sweet on the vine
hummingbirds morning call
with nectar a rose blush wine
from Spring, through Summer and Fall.

A windward breeze blows East
the sun slumbers on the West
natures masterpiece
the day is done, now rest.

The night devoid of sunlight
caress the moon and stars
at dusk fluorescent twilight
guide seafarers from afar.

Listen to the quiet
hear the silent peace
whisper in the moment
our spirit to be set free.
Mind Control

The mind is our own personal kingdom. It is not made of substance yet it controls our entire being. This is why it is important to possess a quiet mind. Our minds consist of past conditioning and thoughts which race as if they were in the Indy 500 using our mind as the raceway.

Have you ever experienced insomnia because you had all these racing thoughts cluttering your mind and as a result could not fall asleep? Itā€™s a horrible feeling especially when you realize that all of these thoughts are not allowing you to have peace of mind, which is necessary for a happy and content life.

We also have to understand that we control our thoughts. So, when having all of these racers speed around in your mind you have to remember that you can control these thoughts. Just put the brakes on and quiet that speedway. How?

Here are a few suggestions.

1. Practice mind control on yourself. When you are having depressing or angry thoughts try and change your way of thinking. Looking at a situation in a different light can change your thoughts from negative to positive.

2. Your mind is your kingdom. If you were a king would you want someone or something invading your kingdom? Of course not. So, you have to look at your mind as a sacred place that belongs only to you. Negative thoughts do not belong there.

3. Remember that no outside source can make you unhappy or depressed. You have the choice. You are the only person who can enter your mind and clear the clutter.

Where Solitude Disturbs Nothing

Listen to the quiet
fog drenched leaves
sing in tune
a soft breeze.
Chime in cadence
the bird's lullaby
carried by the wind
freedom blessed.

A sanctuary
warmed by the sun
kissed by the moon
forever gentle.
Where solitude
disturbs nothing
and serenity
speaks echoes.

Morning Inspiration

pastel hues
sing lullabies
and leaves dance.
trees whisper
sweet melodies
a heavenly chorus

the sky glistens
pastel mist
kissing the earth

morning awakens.

Inner Beauty

with age remains
a solitary inner peace

A mask
revealed in vain
yet, to be set free

As wine
grows sweeter with age
preserved as a rarity

with peace sustains
a spiritual beauty


These works have been previously published in various print magazines to include The Lamp Post, Adoration, Miraculous Medal, Explorer Magazine and many moreā€¦..


Joanne has been writing for 50 years.  She is a published poet and photographer.  Her works have appeared in numerous in print and online publications such as The Parnassus Literary Journal, Westward Quarterly, The San Diego Arts and Poets Magazine, Nomads Choir, SP Quill, Cajn Mutt Press, just to name a few. She was awarded a round-trip ticket to Hong Kong in 2007 by Cathay Pacific Airways for her winning entry in their poetry contest.  Joanne is the founder and editor of Stanzaic Stylings Literary Ezine.

Joanne enjoys reading, writing, collecting old poetry books, live music concerts, roaming art galleries and museums,  leisurely lunches with friends in diners, getting out in nature with her camera and making toys for and playing with her feathered companion, Sammers

You can learn all there is to know about her by visiting her website/blog at http://poeticshutterbug.blogspot.com


For Mom
Clothespin Doll

Clothespin Doll

For Mom

It touched your heart

a wooden clamp

adorned in torn fabric,

colors of life,

Streaming tears of

sorrow, yet joy, 

she was your dolly.

You dressed her each day

with different colored fabric, two dotted eyes and

a painted smile, kept warm

in a sewing machine drawer, protected, loved.

Your clothespin baby

didn't have a name

though it didn't matter.

She was your dolly

and you loved her.



A poem for my Mom. My Mom loved dolls but never had any as a child as my grandparents never had enough money to buy her one. So my Mom made a doll out of a clothespin and treated it as her baby and would tuck it in a drawer of their sewing machine each night to keep it safe, warm and protected.  I wrote this for her when the words and memory came to me in the middle of the night

I always bought Mom collectible  dolls for different occasions because of her childhood knowing how much she wanted and loved dolls.


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