My New Website & PhotoScapes Unleashed Page
I wanted to go ahead and introduce all of you to my new website and PhotoScapes Unleashed page which I integrated onto my website. Though blogging is fun and a venue for my ongoing poetry and photographic pursuits, it is always nice to have a website presence as well. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions are always appreciated. Here is the url to my PhotoScapes page
where you can also navigate through the website pages. I also have to mention that you can create Google sites for free and with no advertising on the pages. I added the AdSense and Adgitize. It is an easy to understand site building platform and you don't need to know html code. It's a breeze to setup and create.
Thanks and have a great weekend.
I simply cannot manage more than one blog.
My site is
Betchai, You could do wonderfully well with your photography on a website. You and Icy both, Thank you.
C, lol, it took me a while uh?
Randa, it looked dangerously sinful, just the way I like it. I'm heading up to the supermarket tomorrow and will hopefully find one up there. If not, I'll have to settle for the Boston Cream Pie yogurt :D
Rainfield, it's difficult, though with a website, you don't have to do much other than just advertise it.
fullet, you are so sweet, thank you. I actually used the google docs as storage as well until I decided why are these things just sitting here when I could build a free website :)
Ratty, With all of your stories, photos and videos a website for you would be awesome. They are free with Google.
Thank you so much Diane.
Dale, thanks for the compliment but I am not a professional by any means. I just like to take photos. I will check out your site though, so thanks for the link.
Ann, thank you so much.
Holly, I hope so :D, Thank you for visiting.
Mumsy, Thank you so much.
I'm glad you did it, though! I think it will help you with focus and organizing and expression...a blog for every area you wish you express... :)