Wordless Wednesday - Blowing Bubbles

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Leslie D. said…
Oh yay! I posted a photo of backyard bubble-blowing on a sunny day sometime last month - and found there are many many of us bubble lovers in the world..
Joanne Olivieri said…
LD, :) I came across this guy in a park and just thought it was so cool. I stood there for a while and watched then began chasing bubbles with my camera. Thanks for stopping by.
AVCr8teur said…
I love doing this too. Each bubble is unique and fun to see how long they can float without popping.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Karen, they last pretty long. This guy was up at Sutro Park and it was a beautiful day so the colors were amazing.
MedaM said…
Wow, there are so many big and lovely bubbles all around. How exciting!:-) Lovely photos, indeed!
Thanks you for your really nice and kind comments on my blog.
eastcoastlife said…
My favourite childhood activity. He could blow such huge bubbles.
Emm said…
Oh wow. I really want a toy like that!! I love bubbles!
Nessa said…
I've never seen such bubble-blowing thingy... the shops here normally sell the small spoon-shaped bubble blowers. These are awesome! :D
ruma said…
It is pretty scenery.

Thank you.
RNSANE said…
"I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" - now that song sticks in my mind after seeing these fantastic phtos!
OneDay said…
Wow! This look like so much fun. Glad you captured it. :-) Happy WW.
Verna Luga said…
Hi Joanne... wow you really had fun ... this is awesome experience.... thanks for dropping by Anything Davao
Secondary Roads said…
That looks like a lot of fun!
Ann said…
that looks like so much fun, haven't blown bubbles in ages
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks everyone, it was fun to capture this on camera. Love all of your comments and have a wonderful week.
ruthi said…
i am so jealous. i love blowing bubbles even at my age. i think he is cute in that age. hahaha.

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