Tree Commune

Trees @ The Botanical Gardens in SF - Taken by Me

Tree Commune
a series of haiku

rooted in Mother Nature
a diverse species
hugging limbs

kissing blue skies
sharing the wind's breath
mingling leaves

born within earth
standing free
a natural commune


Sharkbytes said…
Trees are so inspiring! What a pretty grouping, and your poems capture their commune- ication.
Diane AZ said…
A beautiful haiku moment! We are all rooted in mother nature and like the trees can embrace each others differences.
Secondary Roads said…
Very nice photo and verse.
A natural commune indeed, when condition is in equilibrium. Invasiveness which is prevalent in certain species will make corrections along the way... ~bangchik
Anonymous said…
I love this haiku!
R.S Mallari said…
You really are becoming better with this form.
Unknown said…
Lovely haiku, Jo. This post reminded me of a house garden where I used to live. A blossom tree's branches surrounded an evergreen and each spring the green tree looked as though it was in the frothy pink arms of its neighbour. Then new people moved in and cut down the blossom tree. I did so regret that I never got a phot of that.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Shark, I like that commune-ication :) They are very inspiring for me. I've decided my next life I want to come back as a tree.

Diane, well said and the message of the poem. Thank you.

Thank you Chuck.

Bang, very eloquent indeed :)

Thank you Brittany

Silent Poet, thanks so much for the compliment. I love the form so I am practicing daily.

Jakill, I cannot stand seeing a tree cut down. I'm glad you had a glimpse of the tree and memories, even without a photo. Thanks.
Ann said…
so nice to see trees with green leaves on them. My favorite of the haiku is the last one.
Anonymous said…
They're all lovely but I think I like the second haiku best!
Beautiful photo!
DoanLegacy said…
Gorgeous big trees, and great haiku! Beautifully described
Rick (Ratty) said…
I love that scene and the haiku. When I saw the bench I liked it so much it sent shivers up my spine.
The scene and the haiku go perfectly together! so peaceful..
Unknown said…
Great haiku and it goes well with the photo. Nice!
Duni said…
Beautiful words. I love that group of trees. I get the feeling they are 'talking' to each other.
Hello this tree post reminds me of the trees found in one of the cold places here in our country, Baguio. The trees may not be exactly the same but it gives me the feeling of being warm and serene!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ann, thanks, it is nice to see greenery this time of year.

Thank you so much Dawn.

Zuzanna, I feel that same bond and thanks for reading and commenting.

Ratty and to be there on that bench is breathtaking.

Icy, thanks so much it is so peaceful there.

Thank you Diane.

Duni, I did too, it's like they are all in a huddle communicating :)

Mrs. M. yes, it's the diversity that makes it so serene. thank you xoxo
Love the haiku. I really should try harder to write my own.

By the way I just posted a couple of awards for you :-)
RNSANE said…
Lovely trees, with perfect haiku to match!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks Carmen, it's always an inspiration for me to be there.

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