Sunshine Award

I want to thank Folk Art By Jane Campbell for this sunshine award. Jane has a couple of fantastic blogs dealing with art including

I am supposed to deliver this to twelve other blogs which is very difficult for me because I love all the blogs I follow and those who follow me. So, I am going to break the rules and award this to all of you who constantly leave comments and visit my blog. This is award is for all of you.

Also, I have been under the weather since my return from Culver City. These are all scheduled posts. I haven't been dropping, visiting or commenting but will resume when I'm feeling better.

Thank you.


betchai said…
congratulations on your award Jo, you do bring sunshine to us through your pictures, words and poems, and through the kindness of your friendship.
Margie said…
Congratulations & hope you feel better soon. I'm sending something hot to you. He'll be there shortly to help you get well.
Congratulations, and you will soon get better to really enjoy the sunshine... and don't forget to peek over the window for a glimpse of golden hope at sunset. Cheers..., ~bangchik
Congratulations, it's always great to receive an award and some recognition :-)
RNSANE said…
It doesn't at all surprise me that awards are constantly coming your way, Jo. Your blog is so outstanding.

Get well, for heaven's sakes...can't be sick on your birthday.
AVCr8teur said…
Congratulations on your award! Very well deserved. Hope you get well soon! Take care!
Anonymous said…
I do hope you feel better soon Jo. Congrats on your award :)
Rick (Ratty) said…
Congratulations on your award. I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is no fun at all.
The Muse said…
It is a pleasure to meet you!
I regret it is not on a day in which you feel better...
C. JoyBell C. said…
Feel better soon, Joanne!

I was also down with the flu for the past days...thank God I'm all better now! :)

BTW, when my book comes out, your name will be on my "thank you page" ... :) Just thought I'd let you know :)
C. JoyBell C. said…

Take some echinacea capsules!

And, thank you, for being so kind to award this to everyone. :)

And congratulations for receiving it, too! :)
Congratulations and here's hoping that you get well xoxo
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks to you all, I am slowly on the mend.

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