Exotics @ The Botanical Gardens

I thought I would bring you some of the exotics I stumbled upon at the Botanical Gardens these last few days. Work is still being done, cleaning and renovating paths. I am very excited because new paths have been placed on the grounds allowing visitors to see and come in contact with new species of plants, flowers and trees. I can't wait to get back there. I will have more later in the week. Enjoy!


My goodness, they all look really exotic! Such a nice close up of the flower..It must be so nice to wander around the garden.
rainfield61 said…
Hopefully the renovation can bring you more fun and, of course, we will get those later.
betchai said…
i love the group of exotic plants together, especially that plant that looks like a firework in form, and the rest are exotic indeed, the pink flower so close to the ground looks very unique too.
C. JoyBell C. said…
Hhhmmm...to me, these are no longer exotic, as these are the types of plants growing in the Philippines...

Oh how I miss soft-looking roses and tulips...I cannot find any of those growing freely over here! Only at the flower stand! :( But then, I do love the flower stand. :)
Webbie's Explores said…
Oh, poor aloe vera. It looks like it needs a lot of care and nutrients. 7

The last shot is a beautiful mix of rare plants. Amazing!
Details in the Tales said…
any names to those beautiful products of nature you perfectly captured?
R Unedited said…
What is the name of that plant in the third image that is having leaves like palm? I like that and wish to have it in my home here. :) It looks very interesting.

Great shots!
RNSANE said…
I like the first and third pictures - the second, if it is an aloe vera, looks somewhat menacing. I guess I prefer riotous roses in bloom, all varieties and colors....but it is nice to see all of nature's glory. Some offerings are downright creepy, though.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Icy, I love wandering around the gardens. That's why I never get any work done :)

rainfield, you will always get the latest photos.

betchai, I wish I knew their names :)

Charity, how cool that you have all these exotics. I love flower stands too :)

Webbie, Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Details in the Tales, you know there are but I am always so busy taking the shots that I forget to write down the names. I typically take about 100 shots when I go there :)

R unedited, I have no idea of the name. I guess I should start writing the names down while there.

Carmen, lol, thanks Carmen.

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