More Trees @ The Botanical Gardens


RNSANE said…
Beautiful stroll among the trees!
Unknownwriter49 said…
I really like the second one especially the colors are great
AVCr8teur said…
I wonder how those branches got permanent bent in that one direction.
WillOaks Studio said…
I just love the wonderful contrast here of 2 completely different "moods" through the trees AND their environments...just lovely!
Anonymous said…
Fantastic Joanne - I really love these.
Icy BC said…
Wonderful pictures! In the first one the trees look as though they are dancing, and second one there are so many contrasts in colors..
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, there's nothing like it.

Unknown, Thank you so much.

AVC, strong winds? I thought the same thing.

WillOaks, thank you so much.

Thank you David.

Icy, You're right, they look as if they are entertaining us :)
C. JoyBell C. said…
I just must say, I love it when I come here, and I get to breathe in nature like this...does that sound pathetic? I live in a condominium...and the closest I come to nature is on your blog!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Charity, Not at all. LOL! I live in the middle of a large city yet these gardens are only about 10 minutes away or I'd be in the same boat as you :)

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