Wordless Wednesday - Australian Grass Tree

Photo taken at the Botanical Gardens in San Francisco.


I would love to see that tree in person! That's gorgeous!
bessye said…
Oh My God! It's like an ice cream cone on steroids...that has got to be the coolest tree I have ever seen! How cool is that! Thanks Joanne for sharing..

Unknownwriter49 said…
now that is something I have never seen before..
rainfield61 said…
Very unique tree, looks like a ball.
Cruiselife & Co said…
That's so interesting. It looks like a fiber-optic tree.
AVCr8teur said…
I have never seen anything like it. Kind of reminds me of a duster.
zorlone said…

That looks cool! Seems like it's been well taken cared of because the needles are about the same size. Hehehe. I am not sure what I am talking about, but that was a nice picture.

Cherry said…
wow! that is one beautiful grass tree!
Reeni said…
What a neat looking tree! It looks like a giant dandelion.
Auntie E said…
What a beautiful tree. I have been photographing trees lately to post on my garden site. Boy would I love to see one of those. Only i do not live any where new Australia.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you all for your comments. I wanted to let you all know as well that this photo was not taken in Australia - I've never been there. I took this photo while walking along a path at the botanical gardens in San Francisco where I live. It was so amazing I had to get a shot of it. It's beautiful to see in person.
Unknown said…
Yikes...that is so Unique and so amazing.
Very cool indeed:)
betchai said…
wow, fantastic! looks almost unreal, so unique!!!! would love to see that one too.
Rick (Ratty) said…
This is the first time I have ever seen this a tree like this. It's fun to see new things like this, and it must have been even more fun for you. Your botanical gardens is a wonderful place.
Ashley said…
What a funny looking tree! I love it. I also love SF. I just moved from there and I miss it! Great blog you have here, love your images!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Dorothy L, that's what caught my eye it's uniqueness.

betchai, I know, It was so cool looking I had to get photos of it.

Ratty, I stumbled onto it while walking a path I hadn't seen before. So it was a cool surprise.

Ashley, Thank you. Where are you living now?
Anonymous said…
looks like they have trimed into a ball. In the bush you dont usually see it as a ball shape. Also ive never seen one so big and the foliage is so dense, crazy.
Unknown said…
Yes, this does look a bit like the one in my photo... yours has more leaves.
Blogger Broadcast said…
that fuzzy tree is so unique. glad you were able to bring it to us.

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