High Society Nights with Jonathan Poretz @ Yoshi's San Francisco

Read my interview with Jonathan Poretz on JazzWest.com

Photo courtesy of Yoshi's San Francisco


August 19, 2009

Jonathan Poretz - vocals
Lee Bloom - piano
Jeff Neighbor - bass
Kent Bryson - drums

8pm show $12 advance / $16 at the door

Information and Tickets


What a fantastic interview, Jo! You've asked so many questions that I didn't think of asking if I was to do the interview myself! Great job!
betchai said…
Hi Jo, wow, it is a wonderful interview, I enjoyed reading it and was amazed at how you carried it.
Cruiselife & Co said…
So impressive. I hate myself for saying this, but I have never heard of this gentleman. I love Harry Connick and I love Jazz. I need to check him out.
Rick (Ratty) said…
It's a very good interview. Sounds like he's a very popular singer. From doing Frank Sinatra to all sorts of other music in his past, he is obviously very good and experienced at what he does.
RNSANE said…
It was a great interview, Jo, about a terrific singer. I am so sorry I won't be in town to hear Jonathon on the 19th.
Great interview, very interesting.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Icy, Thanks so much for reading.

Betchai, I love interviewing for some odd reason so it was fun.

Dr. Lauren, He is local though toured as Sinatra with the Rat Pack and all over the country. I too love Harry Connick Jr.He and Michael Buble are favorites of mine.

Ratty, he really is, he's got a great voice.

Carmen, thanks.

Thanks Glynis.

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