Garden Bouquets


rainfield61 said…
You have brought me some holy white blossoms.
WillOaks Studio said…
Wonderful bouquets!! Isn't nature just amazing?!
koe said…
oh wow. those are stunning. . .
Icy BC said…
Wow, Jo! These are gorgeous! Just amazing..
betchai said…
wow Jo, what a magnificent garden bouquet, so refreshing and so inspiring. love the colors.
AVCr8teur said…
The flowers in the last picture are very unique. I have only seen pink ones, but not the yellow.
Rick (Ratty) said…
These are very interesting. I like them all, mainly because I have never seen them before, and they also look great.
Bikran said…
very nice ... And the last ones i had also never seen .. nor in pink .. Thanks for sharing.:)
bessye said…
Hi Joanne,
I've been away for a few days...I've missed your posts. What a nice way for you to get inspired.
Same here as AVCr8teur acknowledged, I've only seen the pink as well. This is great how you keep us in the loop with SF.

Joanne Olivieri said…
rainfield, that is because you are so holy :)

WillOaks, it is spectacular.

unknown, thank you so much.

koe, thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Icy, thanks for the compliment.

betchai, in person the colors are glorious.

AVC, I had never seen them at all so I was amazed by the color.

Ratty, same here, thanks.

Bikran, thank YOU.

bessye, Thanks, and much more to come. Welcome back.

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