
Showing posts from May, 2009


The fountains mingle with the river And the rivers with the Ocean, The winds of Heaven mix for ever With a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world is single; All things by a law divine in one spirit meet and mingle. Why not I with thine?- Percy Bysshe Shelley (17892 - 1822) Ah passion. We eat it, sleep it and drink it. Every thought we have includes a morsel of passion. When we are in love more than any other time do we feel this sense of ecstasy and bliss. It is the commingling of hearts and minds that produce these feelings. If only we could feel that bliss every moment of every day. The fact is we can. Passion resides not only between two lovers but between ourselves and the world around us. Feeling sheer passion is allowing your heart and mind to be open and free in order to experience your own unique creative talents. When you are doing what you love to do just as when you are in love it seems that the world stands still and you are focused on that one activity. I know ...

Ghirardelli Square Wine Festival - Sights and Sounds

The Ghirardelli Square Annual Wine Festival "Uncorked" was in full swing when we arrived. There were wine tasting booths along Beach Street from Larkin to Polk and above throughout the square plaza. Cooking demonstrations from local restaurants were at hand displaying their epicurean expertise. Live entertainment could be found along Beach Street and the plaza. I was thrilled to see Pamela Rose performing. She is a San Francisco favorite and wonderful jazz singer. I was also blissfully pleased to see some of my favorite wineries including the Martin Ray wineries of Santa Rosa. Cellar 360 as shown above is that type of venue where you just want to grab some wine and cheese and hang out on the plaza all day long. I love it there - any job openings? Seriously though it is the place for wine on the square. Wattle Creek also has some tasty delights waiting for you. We spent many hours at this festival and loved every moment. Thanks to Lindsay Maxon for this local fa...

Pier 39 in San Francisco

Home to world class dining, shopping and entertainment, Pier 39 is located on Beach Street along the Embarcadero in San Francisco. This post will feature important facts and information. Information: The retail shops within the complex are open from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm with extended hours of operation during Summer months. The full service restaurants are open from 11:30 am with some opening earlier for breakfast. There are also many small kiosks where you can buy coffee, hot chocolate, hot dogs, corn dogs, sodas etcā€¦ Security: Pier 39 is patrolled around the clock, 24 hours a day. The head of security is maintained by the SFPD and the security guards are experienced professionals who are certified in First Aid, CPR, The Automated External Defibrillator and Fire and Life Safety. They are well versed in law enforcement techniques and a wide range of emergency response scenarios. Directions & Parking: Pier 39 is a major destination and therefore accessible by all major thor...

Wordless & Weird Wednesday

A few of the oddities at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco , Enjoy! Upside down jellyfish. While at the Academy of Sciences I stumbled across this exhibit. I should have taken notes rather than rely on my memory which seems to always elude me these days. However this exhibit was the stomach contents of either a whale, shark or snake. I cannot remember which it was but if any of you know please let me know. Coral Whiskers Residents of the Galapagos Islands.

The One Lovely Blog Award

I want to thank Icy over at Reach Beyond Limits for this award. It is always so inspiring to know that my fellow writers appreciate what I do each day. Receiving awards such as these are special and very much appreciated. To participate, if you so choose, save the award photo to your computer, nominate your favorite blogs with a link to each blog and post a comment to your recipients letting them know they received the award. So, I would like to pass on this award to those that inspire me each day and make blogging fun and worthwhile. 1. Robin's Nest is a poetry blog which displays passion, insight and a sense of belonging. 2. Reach Beyond Limits allows me to see and appreciate everyday life for its simple pleasures through writing, poetry and photography. Icy has a gift which she so eloquently shares with the world through her creativity. 3. Ratty over at The Everyday Adventurer takes everyday adventures (hence the name) and turns them into fascinating tales of nature...

The Essence of Nature

Shakespeare Garden - Golden Gate Park in San Francisco Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Natureā€™s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ~John Muir Being in and experiencing nature is being in touch with your spirit - your roots. We all live in a hurried world full of chores, errands, work, play dates and so much minutia that we hardly have the time to sleep or eat, let alone become refreshed and in touch with ourselves. Nature provides us with all we need both physically and emotionally. It provides us with food, water and the basics of life. It refreshes our senses and allows us the freedom to listen to itā€™s call and understand itā€™s mantra. It is peaceful and serene and provides tranquility. Just listening to birds sing or the rustling of leaves on a windy day take us to never ending heights of joy and bliss. Going back ...

The DeYoung Museum

The Mantra Let us give birth to your carvings and redesign your gothic symmetry, let us resurface sacrificial grounds with tender strokes and brushed etchings. Silent as a tear statuesque deities blessed by monastic chants and ancient rituals pervade dark halls the triumphant centurions. Abstract meanderings the Poe deā€™artique peacefully coexist with aboriginal mediums. Our ancestry we salute, on the river Nile, through ancient Mayan ruins to the glory that was Rome. A celebration of culture that is us, ours, we together as one family - our city embracing the diversity.

The Poetry Chapbook

The chapbook was created around the nineteenth century. It was named after writers who would peddle their writing collections on the street. Writers would simply print and write their poetry, ballads and stories on paper, fold the paper in half and sometimes design a sheet of paper with hand drawings and use that as a cover for their book and sell them. Nowadays, itā€™s much more advanced. Chapbooks are anywhere from 16 to 40 pages long. Anything over 40 pages is considered a full length book. There is software you can purchase for desktop publishing which allows you to make the chapbook yourself. However this can be very time consuming and if you are not computer savvy, like me, it can be a daunting task. There are chapbook publishers who can either offer you publishing alone or offer contests which require an entry fee but if you win the contest they will publish your chapbook. I personally am wary of these contests. First, because you need to send a reading fee which is usu...

Chinese Calligraphy

Ancient dynasties as Ming, Qing,Tang displayed in thematic fashion a masterpiece of history. Archaic scrolls of parchment, sometimes satin or silk the Buddhist sutra; an archived honorarium of the written word. I study the poems and lyrics in running scripts a language unknown the forbidden city. I understand the poet within each character the Michelangelo of words. I marvel the artistry of a simpler time where poetry was revered and wonder if this poem I am about to complete will live within it's own dynasty.

Wordless Wednesday - Alligators, Lizards, Sharks & Snakes

From the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco I decided to display a photo montage of the attractions which made me shudder in fear yet happy they were all behind glass or confined to exhibits. There is a video as well. Enjoy!

Vocalist Sony Holland In The New York Times

Currently based in San Francisco, vocalist Sony Holland comments on the recession and her career. You can read the story here. Click here to view the artist slideshow page which includes photos and comments.

Out Of This World by Sony Holland Goes Green

Out Of This World by: Sony Holland Going green with an eco -packaged design and new vocals produced by Van Ness Musical Productions and HeebaLibra Music this 2009 remix is better than ever. It boasts 13 tunes with 10 classic standards and 3 originals by songwriter Jerry Holland. The cover stays true to the title and look of the CD. It is an eco -packaged design without any plastic or shrink wrap. Anything sans shrink wrap - I love. The inside cover displays the song list, composers and band members. On the inside right flap, which holds the CD, is a photo of Sony during a recording session along with a personal note autographed by her. The back cover displays each track along with another photo of Ms. Holland during one of her performances. The songs on this CD will be familiar yet presented in a fresh unique tone. The new vocals are smooth and sensual yet powerful as is evident in the Etta James hit ā€œAt Last.ā€ Sonyā€™s voice matures with each and every performance and CD re...

Living Green Rooftop At The California Academy Of Sciences

Measuring in at around 200,000 square feet, the rooftop at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco houses the densest population of native wildflowers and plant species in the city. The skylights above the larger domes as you can see in the photo open and close throughout the day to allow sunlight to reach the exhibits below. The living rooftop with it's seven hills and slopes is designed with the patented Bio Tray. There are 50,000 of these porous biodegradable trays which encompass the entire roof and are made of coconut husks and tree sap and are used as containers for the vegetation. These containers allow the roots to interlock and fit together likes pieces to a puzzle. The green rooftop keeps the interior of the building about ten degrees cooler than a standard rooftop. The plants and vegetation also transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, capture rainwater and reduce energy needs for cooling and heating. The weather stations on the roof monitor the wind,...

Ships Along Hyde Street Pier And San Francisco Bay

Princess Cruise ships docked at Pier 35 in San Francisco Bay. Pier 35 docks. View of the Balclutha and the Hyde Street Pier vessels from Aquatic Park. The Hercules. The Hercules. The Eureka Ferry Boat. Entrance to the Eureka Ferry Boat at Hyde Street Pier.

My Story With

I've been contemplating for weeks whether or not I should tell my story about and finally realized after reading some of the posts on their forums by newbies that I should get all the facts out there so that new bloggers are able to make informed decisions about whether or not they should be blogging with I joined up with them in September of 08 after seeing an ad on Craigslist . At that time I knew absolutely nothing about blogging. When I saw that they paid $1.00 per post for two blogs plus $0.02 per impression I thought well, why not give it a try. So, I signed up, got my two blogs A Poets View and My City By The Bay. I took my blogging very seriously and posted daily. It was like a job for me. I must say that I learned alot from all of my fellow bloggers in the forums. I was always able to get a quick response by other bloggers to my questions. Admin, half the time ignored what they did not want to answer. In the beginning it was great....

Sunday Brunch at McCormick & Kuleto's

Sunday at McCormick's Every Sunday 11:30am ā€“ 3:00pm Start off your Sunday right at McCormick and Kuletoā€™s as you enjoy brunch overlooking the beautiful San Francisco Bay. From San Francisco treats like Crabcake Omelets to classic Buttermilk Pancakes drizzled with fresh fruit, McCormick and Kuletoā€™s is the perfect start to any day. Brunch at McCormick and Kuletoā€™s will be offered on Motherā€™s Day serving the standard menu as well as a few special options in appreciation of moms everywhere. For reservations Click Here

Moon Jellyfish At The California Academy Of Sciences

While perusing the exhibits at the California Academy of Sciences , I became completely fascinated by the Moon Jellyfish aka Moon Jelly. Watching these creatures drift around had me mesmerized . There are several different species of Moon Jelly which are impossible to identify without genetic testing. They are translucent and are very limited in motion. They basically drift within the oceans and are found all over the world close to shores and harbors. Moon Jellyfish are without a respiratory system and therefore breathe by diffusing oxygen from the waters around them through very thin membranes. They hunt their prey by stinging them with tentacles and dine on crustaceans, mollusks and eggs from fish. Moon Jellyfish are eaten by sea turtles, some bird species and other fish. Humans of the Southeast Asia region all enjoy them. I enjoyed just watching them and I hope you enjoy the short video clip I took of the exhibit.

The Balclutha At Hyde Street Pier In San Francisco

At over three hundred feet in length and one hundred and forty five feet in height, the Balclutha is a major attraction housed at the Hyde Street Pier in San Francisco. It has just returned home from a Winterā€™s dry dock. Launched in Glasgow, Scotland in 1886 this square rigged cargo ship was built to carry everything from grain to fish to lumber and much more worldwide. Over two dozen seafaring crew members are needed to handle the ship while on a voyage. It is housed along with other seafaring vessels at Hyde Street Pier right off of Aquatic Park . Before the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge , the Hyde Street pier was the main ferry terminal between San Francisco and Marin. It is now a part of the San Francisco Maritime Park Association . The pier is open to the public and offers tours of their ships. There is an annual Hyde Street Pier festival for tourists and locals alike. Touring the ships is not only a learning experience...

Yoshi's Jazz Club June Lineup

YOSHI'S OAKLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO ANNOUNCE JUNE 2009 LINEUP CHECK OUT THE NEW AND IMPROVED YOS HIS.COM Monday, June 1 JENNIFER LEE Tuesday, June 2 JULIAN LAGE Wednesday, June 3 WILLIE JONES III QUARTET with GILBERT CASTELLANOS (Trumpet) MARCUS SHELBY (Bass) ADAM SHULMAN (Piano) Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, June 4, 5, and 6 legendary jazz vocalist extremely rare live appearance NANCY WILSON Sunday, June 7 2pm Matinee (one show) JAMES NEWTON & JON JANG Sunday, June 7 7pm (one show) IRIS DEMENT Monday, June 8 UPTOWN TRIO Tuesday, June 9 BRIAN BLADE & THE FELLOWSHIP BAND featuring JON COWHERD, MELVIN BUTLER, MYRON WALDEN and CHRIS THOMAS Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 10, 11 and 12 KIND OF BLUE at 50 featuring JIMMY COBB'S SO WHAT BAND Jimmy Cobb - Drums Wallace Roney - Trumpet Javon Jackson - Tenor Saxophone Vincent Herring - Alto Saxophone L...

Wordless Wednesday - The Botanical Gardens

Being Wednesday allows me to showcase some of my favorite spots in San Francisco. These photos were taken a few days ago at the Botanical Gardens while I was in the area visiting the Academy of Sciences. Remember to click on the photo to see the full size image. Enjoy!

Wisdom Path ~ Hong Kong

While traveling in Hong Kong one of the highlights is visiting Wisdom Path which is located on Lantau Island in the same area as Tian Tan Buddha and Po Lin Monastery. Wisdom Path is at the foot of Lantau Peak - the tallest mountain in Hong Kong. The international scholar and poet Jao Tsung-I donated his original calligraphy of the Heart Sutra to Hong Kong in June of 2002. He wanted an open air display of the work to be presented and dedicated to Hong Kong. As a result, Wisdom Path was created and completed in May of 2005. Situated atop a steep mountain the 38 wooden columns or obelisks which are reminiscent of bamboo tiles which were used in ancient times form the number 8 which means infinity. With an aerial view the number 8 is clearly defined and seen. The heart sutra prayer is carved into each of the wooden columns. The heart sutra defined as ā€œThe Perfection of the Wisdom of the Buddha.ā€ The prayer is a sacred treasure revered by Buddhists and Taoists alike. It was created...