
Showing posts from June, 2009

Hong Kong Arts Center

This was an unexpected treat. While walking through Hong Kong Park I came across the arts center. I didn't know beforehand that it was even there. I walked up to the door and saw a guard there with no one else around so I thought it was closed. He then opened the door and motioned for me to go inside which I did. I'm so glad I went inside. There was a poet/artist, K.C. Chow who was exhibiting his artwork in the gallery. We were the only two there and though I speak only a couple of words in Chinese and he a little more in English we were able to carry on a conversation. His art pieces were so creative and he welcomed my taking photos of some of the pieces. He was such a kind and gentle soul and I so enjoyed meeting him. He gave me his book of essays which I didn't realize until I left was completely in Chinese. The only thing I could read was the ISBN number. I'll have to have it translated. K. C. and the Arts Center ...

Test Your Reading Abilities


I Could See The Fear In Your Eyes

Twenty five years ago. I was much younger and working a mindless office job which I despised. However, the job was comfortable and I made decent money. Iā€™d take MUNI down to the Church Street station each day and walk up to the office on Market Street. Iā€™d pass this homeless guy every morning in the doorway of a bar on that same street. Heā€™d never ask for money, though each time Iā€™d pass him Iā€™d ask myself, ā€œwhy doesn ā€™t he just clean up and go get a job?" I guess that came from the disgust I had for myself of working a job I hated, so why doesn ā€™t he? Thank God Iā€™ ve grown much wiser in my old age. It was a warm, quiet and boring morning at the office. I had the door open as I always had on nice days and was sitting at my desk in the front of the office reading a book. Now mind you in that area, on more than several occasions, drunks and the local crazies would walk in the office and Iā€™d have to ask they leave or many times threaten to call the police. On this particular day, t...

A Tribute to Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson

Referred to as the "King of Pop" this larger than life star I remember as a teenager while watching him and his Brothers, The Jackson Five perform on television. I connected to the music and had to have their ABC album - in vinyl. I listed to that album everyday and drove my parents crazy though my Mom always liked Michael and his music as well. ABC, I'll Be There, Rock With You, Human Nature, Billie Jean, Thriller and the list goes on an on. They were just a few of my favorites. I always so much admired the creative talent Michael had living within his soul. He once said " the lyrics just came to me" and the music followed. He was a true genius and as many geniuses had to bare the criticism and judgment of others. Rumors constantly swirled around the pop star and remember that these were all just rumors and nothing more. Being such a megastar he obviously found it very difficult to lead a regular lifestyle. He could not just walk down the street, go to ...

Blame it on Peggy Lee by Sony Holland ~

Sony Holland sings "Blame it on Peggy Lee" a tune written and composed by Jerry Holland. This video was taken during Sony's performance at the Rrazz Room in San Francisco. Enjoy!

Wordless Wednesday - The Gardens

More photos from my botanical gardens visit - Enjoy!

Poet & Songwriter Paula Hackett

Paula Hackett is a poet/artist in a class by herself. She has mastered the art of contemporary poetry with a hint of jazz and soulful prose. The daughter of novelist Paul Hackett, Paula grew up in Berkeley, California in the 60's. Her poetry exemplifies the history and experiences of that era with injections of humor, inspiration, melancholy and thought provoking metaphor that will have you captivated and yearning for more. Her imagery laden stanzas combined with her soothing voice and accompanied by master jazz pianist, Rudy Wongozi set the tone for a profound journey through literary excellence in both spoken word and jazz music. The words and music meld together effortlessly like hand to glove. Billy Holliday (a lullaby) Sometimes when nature is quiet and the moon shines just where you are I can hear you singing the spirit world to rest I remember as a child your voice would wrap me in cotton as you felt the blows for all of us Born...

New Pathways @ The Botanical Gardens

While attending the rose show the other day I stopped by my favorite spot in the city - the Botanical Gardens . Work is still being done within the gardens. They are paving the concrete paths, building new paths and clearing old brush. I was delighted to see that the wooden and stone paths in the exotic plant area have been completed. As you can see in the above photos there are a maze of paths weaving about the exotic ferns, trees and plants. There are also benches strewn within the walkways and ponds around the area as well. I absolutely love the look and feel of this spot. I'm already planning my next contemplative writing marathon within these exotic paths. More on Wednesday. Enjoy!

The Golden Gate Rose Society

The Golden Gate Rose Society here in San Francisco is comprised of rose enthusiasts and nature lovers from around the bay area who dedicate themselves to teaching and preserving the fine art of rose care and display. They produce free monthly showings around the bay area which consist of planting roses, classes on how to choose roses, caring for roses and creating unique displays. I attended the show yesterday at the county fair building on 9 th and Lincoln located adjacent to the botanical gardens. There were not many people there though the flower displays were beautiful. So, I thought I'd share a few of them with you. Of course being right next to the Botanical Gardens I had to spend some time there as well. I will bring those photos to you tomorrow. Enjoy!

Keftethes - Greek Meatballs Recipe

Greek Meatballs (Keftethes) I love this recipe. It makes 4 servings. Being of Greek heritage on my Momā€™s side of the family we would frequently have Greek dishes. This particular dish is a Greek meatball. I have so many fond memories of picnics down in Santa Cruz and days at the beach where my Mom would prepare Keftethes and potato salad and weā€™d have our feast right out by the water enjoying the beautiful day. I thought about this today because it is a gorgeous day in San Francisco and memories flooded my mind. So I thought Iā€™d share this will all of you. A. Ingredients a . 4 slices bread, white or wheat or whole grain - or Bread crumbs - theyā€™re easier. If you use bread, trim the crusts. b . 1 pound ground beef c . 1 egg d . 1 medium onion chopped fine e . 1 tbs. crushed mint salt and pepper to tasted flour f . 2 tbs butter g . 2 tbs olive oil. B. Cooking methods a . Place in mixing bowl and cover with small amounts of water. For bread crumbs you can omit this st...

Po Lin Monastery - Hong Kong

Po Lin Monastery with it's temples and gardens is a must see if you are ever in Hong Kong. Po Lin, Tian Tan Buddha and the Wisdom Path are all in the same area and can be seen in a half day. It is located on Lantau Island. The monastery is also a calm and serene sight with it's large incense burner outside the temple where worshippers burn incense and offer prayer to Buddha. Inside the temple monastery is a sight to behold. I have pictures below so they speak for themselves. I always feel bad about taking pictures at temples and sights such as these because of the worshippers who are praying there but it is allowed and everyone does it so I could not pass up an opportunity of catching these gorgeous scenes. In this area of the monastery there is heavy incense burning so if you are allergic to scents of any kind, this may not be the sight for you. There are also many street...

Ya'Sou! Ezine Blog

Hello all, Ya'Sou ! Ezine is now complete. There have been major changes to Ya'Sou! due to my previous host provider making some changes which were not suitable for me so I decided to completely change the look and platform. As of now, Ya'Sou ! Ezine is on a blogging platform which means it will need constant content in order for search engines to know that we are out here. Also, because it is a blog it will receive much more exposure and as a result your work will be noticed. There are many ways to advertise blogs and luckily for all of you, I know all of them. So, I will be employing much more advertising in the coming weeks. What does all of this mean for you? First, this is no longer a triannual ezine . It is ongoing and therefore will have new posts at least every other day, though I am hoping everyday. I want all of you to think of this ezine as your home, your place on the web to share your work. For those of you who were accepted for the Summer issue,...

Wordless Wednesday - Academy Of Sciences


Swoops - The Dive Bomb Bird

Photo courtesy of Attack Bird Chronicles This is one of those "Only in San Francisco" pieces. For a few weeks now this not so amused bird in the photo above has been dive bombing pedestrians on California and Front streets in the financial district of San Francisco. That particular area is heavily occupied by workers especially during the lunch hour. "Swoops" as he has been named has become quite the phenomenon not just in San Francisco but all over the world. His story has been told in China, Switzerland and across the United States. He basically is doing his job as a father. He is protecting his nest in that area. Anyone who walks by is seen as a threat by him and he naturally attacks as any father would in that same situation. You ask, how do I know he is a he? Well the Audubon Society has been called in on the situation and according to their expertise in that area, they have deciphered Swoops to be a male. This feisty little guy has drawn quite the cro...

New eBook Release - Dark Summer by Joanne Olivieri

Greetings everyone. I am excited to announce the release of my new eBook titled "Dark Summer." This book was not something that I had planned but rather decided on a whim to publish with some of my newest poetry. I have already published two other chapbooks and decided it was time for an eBook so I went with on this project. With you can also create softcover books, hardcover books and much more. It is the "starving artist" means of publishing. Since I am literally a starving artist these days this seemed to be the way to go. So, if you choose, take a look and order. The price for the download is set at $2.50 - such a deal! Enjoy, Jo

Dark Summer

Dark Summer My senses numb as blistering rays seep through my skin cold as ice stinging my heart. In limbo I reside where tears are my comfort releasing the pain like brilliant stars lighting the darkness .

Ghirardelli Square Chocolate Shop

Ghirardelli Square is famous for their chocolate and rightly so. I am a chocolate connoisseur and believe me when I say Ghirardelli is one of the premier chocolate producers in the world. The Ghirardelli Square complex hosts two chocolate shops. As you enter the main gate on Larkin street the chocolate shop eatery and store are located immediately to the left of the plaza. The other as pictured above is located on the West Plaza. This shop is my favorite haunt. There are a few table and chair vignettes where you can sit, relax and enjoy some chocolate decadence or you can grab your treats and enjoy them at home. I like this little shop much better because it is not as crowded and actually has more of a variety. One thing I love doing while there especially on a cold and foggy day, is buying a hot chocolate, which by the way are the best in the city, then buying a little chocolate square and letting the square melt in the hot chocolate. It doesn ā€™t matter what flavor you ...

Wordless Wednesday - The Star Ferry in Hong Kong

I am missing Hong Kong again so I thought I would share with you some photos of the Star Ferry which I took while traveling around Hong Kong in 2008. Enjoy!

A Tribute To Sony and Jerry Holland

It was a warm morning in February 2003. I was working at Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco. The plaza was empty and I was sitting in the store reading a book. All of a sudden I hear this jazzy tune playing on the Fountain Plaza. I did not recognize the tune but I loved the melody. A few seconds later I was stunned by what I can only describe as the voice of an angel. The pure, smooth vocals were so engaging that I had to get out there and see who this was filling the square with such beautiful music. I went out, stood by the door and saw this elegantly dressed beautiful blond e in a long black gown and heels singing her heart out in this quiet bare plaza. I was completely mesmerized by her voice and stood there for her entire set without even moving. When I heard "This City Is Mine" which was written and composed by Jerry Holland I fell in love with the song. I waited until her set was done and went out and bought two CD's . I remember telling her that it...

American Sushi House - Restaurant Review

While I am not a fan of Japanese food I have to say that American Sushi House in Pacifica has turned me into a fan. My friend introduced me to this restaurant a few years ago and I have been back a few times since then including dinner last night before a concert in Foster City. There are many things that stand out about this restaurant. First the decor is charming with white lanterns and Japanese flower baskets and paintings adorning the walls. I also love all those sake bottles behind the sushi bar and have tasted many of them, thanks to my friend Carmen along the way. The owners and staff are probably some of the most friendly people I've met in any restaurant. They're sweet, accommodating and are always there to help and serve you. I do not eat sushi so whenever I go I always order the tempura. Both the shrimp and vegetable tempura are delectable with huge portions. The salad which comes with the entree is very tasty as is the miso soup. The dinners are filli...