Ya'Sou! Ezine Blog

Hello all,

Ya'Sou! Ezine is now complete. There have been major changes to Ya'Sou! due to my previous host provider making some changes which were not suitable for me so I decided to completely change the look and platform. As of now, Ya'Sou! Ezine is on a blogging platform which means it will need constant content in order for search engines to know that we are out here. Also, because it is a blog it will receive much more exposure and as a result your work will be noticed. There are many ways to advertise blogs and luckily for all of you, I know all of them. So, I will be employing much more advertising in the coming weeks.

What does all of this mean for you? First, this is no longer a triannual ezine. It is ongoing and therefore will have new posts at least every other day, though I am hoping everyday. I want all of you to think of this ezine as your home, your place on the web to share your work. For those of you who were accepted for the Summer issue, you have a permanent page on the blog. If you want to contribute on a regular basis to the main page and I hope you do, then you can email me three poems, or three pieces of artwork or three photos each week and I will post your work to the main page. If you want to add to your existing page, the same rules apply. If you don't already have a permanent page on the blog, you can email me and ask to be considered.

Each post on the main page has a link below the post to share your work with all of those social bookmarking sites like twitter, digg, reddit etc... The link is ShareThis. This is also a big plus in getting your work seen.

I am excited about this new platform because it is a win/win for all of us. The advertising I can do with this blog is limitless and that makes me very happy. This blog will be advertised right along with my blog on a daily basis.

Justin Germino who is the resident blogger for Ya'Sou! will be co-administrating the blog with me. I'm thrilled about that because he is "all knowing" when it comes to blogging :) I learned from the best.

In closing, I want to mention again that this is your website and your place on the internet so feel free to send me as much work as you like.

The new address for Ya'Sou! is at http://yasouezine.typepad.com/yasou-ezine/


betchai said…
congratulations Jo, been to the site and it is looking good.
Anonymous said…
I've have just visit your site, and it looks great..Your series of Hong Kong pictures are incredible beautiful, and peaceful..
Ms Terri said…
I agree -- it looks great!
Joanne Olivieri said…
betchai, thank you. Feel free to share your photos on there as well.

Icy, the HK pics make me happy.

Ms Terri, Thank you.

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