Wordless Wednesday - The Gardens

More photos from my botanical gardens visit - Enjoy!


bessye said…
Hey Joanne,

These are great pictures. I love the second one the best. Are those a type of cactus? they are beautiful and appear to be pretty big in size.

RNSANE said…
Nice way to start my day...the second photos look like succulents to me.
Oh, these photos are just so beautiful, and relaxing to me. It would be great to get lost in this garden for today!
Unknown said…
Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing these gardens. Barbara (MySp)
Joanne Olivieri said…
bessye, Yeah they are but I don't remember the name.

Carmen, there are days when I begin my day there. I love it there.

Icy,I know what you mean :)

barb, you are welcome.
rainfield61 said…
I always love to see waterscape, it is simply beautiful.
Rick (Ratty) said…
It must be incredibly peaceful there. I usually like to be far out in the forest, but this is just as good. I would probably visit a place like this more than the bigger hiking trails if I had it close to me. A place like this shows what kind of beauty humans can create if they try.
Stacie said…
Gorgeous photos.
Ms Terri said…
You take such nice pictures of the Gardens!
katherine said…
wow..beautiful pictures...i love it....
Joanne Olivieri said…
rainfield, I do too. Thanks,

Ratty, very well said.

Stacie, Thank you,

Ms. Terri, I guess it's because I'm obsessed with them :) Love it out there.

Katherine, Thank you.

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