Test Your Reading Abilities


RNSANE said…
That may be true, but it took this addled, aging brain a little longer to read it!!!
AVCr8teur said…
I could read it too, but was a little hesitant at each word to make sure I got it correctly.
Sure is amazing..I can read it also..
katherine said…
yeah right Jo, i can still read it fast..haha but i will not teach my son this way to his spelling lesson in his school. He won in spelling contest when he was in Kinder 1 and Grade 1.
betchai said…
Amazing Jo, I can read it just fine.
myonlyphoto said…
Oh wow I could read it with no problem, probably even faster than the normal stuff, lol. Thanks for posting refreshing information. Anna :)
Rick (Ratty) said…
Wow! Whoever wrote that is a terrible speller. :D

Actually I've seen a thing like this before. It's fun to see a good simple example of how the human mind works. Great stuff!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks you guys. I wash shocked that I could read it with no problem Weird huh? Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting.
zorlone said…
Hi! Was making my way through the words. he he he. Got a similar e-mail with the same result. I guess my brain still works.


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