Macro Friday

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Anonymous said…
Whatever this flower is, it's so exotic, and beautifully captured, Jo. Have a great weekend.
Susan said…
These are just beautiful!!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Icy, They are all from South Africa but as usual I didn't get the names. I have to get better about doing that. Thank you and you have a wonderful weekend as well.

Susan, thank you and your dessert macros today are amazing!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos. The flower is quite amazing in itself.
Maia T said…
What an interesting flower.
Beautiful shots.
Beautiful. I was thinking the plants either Australian or South African as it is similar to many of our Australian natives. Thank you for adding those details.
Linda said…
marvelous macro!!!! Have a great weekend!
Barbara Rosenzweig said…
Love this flower! It would make a terrific painting! What is it?

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