Skywatch Friday - Along Highway 17 in Santa Cruz

Please make sure to visit
SKYWATCH FRIDAY and join in on the fun.


Photo Cache said…
Just beautiful. Hope you were not driving :)

Skywatch here
Anonymous said…
strength of light. thank you. please have a good friday.

daily athens
Joanne Olivieri said…
Photo Cashe, LOL! No luckily I was in a bus so I was able to get photos.

Trish, Thank you so much.

Robert, Thanks and to you as well.
Ann said…
a gorgeous sky and just look at that beautiful sunshine.
Kim, USA said…
Ah the beauty of clear blue sky. Great capture!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ann, thanks it was beautiful out there.

Kim, Thank you so much.
Anks said…
Very nice pic!!!
Excellent capture.
Joyce M
Anonymous said…
What a marvellous sky!
forgetmenot said…
Lovely white puffy clouds in that "oh so blue" sky. Very nice.
Nice pics... sometimes we can read something, an object, a word, or something interesting, within the composition of clouds... Yes, cloud is the way sky writes a story.
Unknown said…
Gorgeous clouds!
eileeninmd said…
Gorgeous clouds and sky. Wonderful photo!!

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