Today's Flowers and Macro Flowers Saturday - From The Gardens

Photos taken at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens.

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Lui said…
Great shots as always!
Jama said…
I love the last one, such pretty colour!
betchai said…
beautiful smiles from the garden, Jo.
Icy BC said…
I love these flowers, Jo! They are just beautiful..
Joanne Olivieri said…
Lui, thank you so much

Jama, thnaks, I loved the colors on that one too

betchai, what a wonderful comment :) thank you.

Icy, you are sweet, thanks so much.
Magia da Inês said…
°º✿ Olá, amiga!
º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.
Passei para conhecer o seu blog.
°º♫ Amei seu jeito de fotografar.
Você é muito talentosa.
°º✿ Bom fim de semana!
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.
Brasil ♥♥•˚。
°° 。♥。

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