Sundays In My City - Tribute To San Francisco

The San Francisco Botanical Gardens

Alcatraz Island San Francisco

Japanese Tea Garden San Francisco

The Embarcadero #4 Downtown San Francisco

The San Francisco Zoo Train

On A San Francisco High by the Sony Holland Duo

Unknown Mami
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BLOGitse said…
Beautiful shots!
SF rocks!
Actingbalanced said…
I'd love to visit the Japanese Tea Garden! Great pics!
Vidya Sury said…
So lovely. San Francisco is on my list of places to visit. Thanks for the wonderful photos. Nice video, too!

Have a great Sunday followed by a super week!
Wayne W Smith said…
I loved the Japanese tea garden picture. Such life in that tree.
Tami said…
Journey has a song about San Francisco. I think it's called 'Lights'.
Your pictures are beautiful. My family is thinking of going there on vacation this summer.
Icy BC said…
Fantastic photos, Jo! It's a beautiful tribute to San Francisco..
Molly said…
I love the Japanese garden... looks so beautiful and peaceful

Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos - especially love the Tea Garden shot.

When I first moved to California, I waitressed in the Embarcadero center (that restaurant is long gone).
Ann said…
Sunday in your city was much prettier than it was here today :)
Claudya Martinez said…
My beautiful city is full of so many wonderful colors and sites and you do an excellent job of photographing it.

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