Skywatch Friday

Pier 39 view of The San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge in the far background.

San Francisco Botanical Gardens

The Financial District in San Francisco

Visit SkyWatch Friday For More Great Photography


Bangchik and Kakdah said…
tall objects displayed well....
betchai said…
so peaceful and calming beauty Jo, even those tall buildings the way you shoot it really has that calming effect.
Jim said…
Great blue skies.
LadyFi said…
What lovely blues - feels peaceful.
Lea said…
Wonderful skies!
I especially like the pier!
Happy Sky Watch Friday!
Lea's Menagerie
Linnea said…
Great peek at the classic blue skies we get around here. I guess more rain is on its way...just in time for the weekend!
Tatjana Parkacheva said…
Very nice photos.

Regards and best wishes

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