Thursday Two Questions Meme - Newsworthy

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Since I have been without a television for months, I get my news by way of the internet. My home page is Yahoo. When I open my browser the news is staring me in the face which I enjoy because I like to know what's going on in the world.
I think for the past week or so when I've opened my browser I've been inundated with celebrity news. One day the headlines showed two actresses wearing the same dress at a Hollywood premier, another day showed Lindsay Lohan doing something or other and yet another day showed Britney Spears with a new career. Today, I found out that Jennifer Anniston is moving in with her beau. My reaction to all of this - who gives a crap! Sorry for the language but I really am baffled as to why Yahoo would think that all this celebrity "news" is really newsworthy.
In the grand scheme of things with all the important issues going on around the world do we really care about what Jennifer Anniston does? Nothing...