Watery Wednesday - Turtle Sunbathing

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rainfield61 said…
A turtle can live very long because it sunbathes everyday!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Rainfield - Then I should start sunbathing :D
betchai said…
those eyes are awesome, sunbathing gives us vitamin D and the turtle has more of that :)
Joanne Olivieri said…
betchai, Wouldn't you just love that slow paced life and a very colorful one at that :)
Judy said…
I was amazed at the shape of his legs and feet! I guess I have never looked at turtle feet before...
Rick (Ratty) said…
Turtles. They're one of my favorite kind of animal. I can't get enough of them.
Margaret Duarte said…
Your photographs are amazing. Turtles are such fascinating creatures. Thanks for sharing.
Karen said…
Wow, amazing detail when enlarged!
Anonymous said…
I never realized that the head of the turtle has pretty designs.
Unknown said…
They always look a bit sad to me. I like your first shot.
RNSANE said…
The turtle is so cute...looks very peaceful there on his rock!
Unknown said…
he's handsome subject.:p
Icy BC said…
Oh a turtle life of just laying there soaking in the sun!

Beautiful photos, Jo.
Bossy Betty said…
I love a good turtle picture! Thanks!
2sweetnsaxy said…
Great shots of the turtle. They're so sharp and clear!
Self Sagacity said…
Those are beautiful photos of the turtle. He/ she looks content.

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