Sundays In My City - Random San Francisco

Shakespeare Garden (at an angle) San Francisco

@ The DeYoung Museum San Francisco

Leopard Shoe Chair @ 9th and Irving San Francisco

Laughing Sal @ Musee Mechanique San Francisco

Unknown Mami

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Icy BC said…
Fantastic photos, Jo. Laughing Sal is spooky :-)
Ann said…
A fun collection of sights from your city today. Hope you are having a good weekend.
Bossy Betty said…
Loved visiting your city! Thanks!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Icy, she is spooky especially when she laughs :D Many times kids cry when they see her :(

Ann, thanks and I hope you're having a great one too.

Betty, You are welcome and thank you.
RNSANE said…
I didn't see that angel at the De Young. She looks like she has a split personality.

We need to get together often in the next couple of months. Jeremy called me this morning and he is definitely planning to come to India for a couple of weeks. I'm excited about that.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, she was in the room with the Chihuly exhibit. Yes, we will definitely be seeing each other often in the next couple of months. Also, that is AWESOME!!! that Jeremy will be going out to India for a few weeks. Let me know when you get back to SF.
Rick (Ratty) said…
Some very interesting pictures. I like stuff like this. Though Laughing Sal looks a bit scary.
Laughing Sal has always creeped me out.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ratty, she is a bit scary :D

Mami, Oddly enough I enjoyed her as a kid at Playland at the beach. Now she spooks me :D
Keetha Broyles said…
LOVED this unique tour of San Fran - - - the leopard shoe chair? To die for! And that last gal - - - scary!

There were a lot of San Fran SIMCs today, did you notice?
I love laughing Sal, I always give her an extra go round, but someone has got to explain that shoe :-)
betchai said…
i especially love the first one Jo, how you took the landscape in such angle added more life and vibrancy to the picture.

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