Thursday Two Questions Meme - What Is This?

1. What in the world is this?

2. Where did I take this macro?

I also wanted to let you know that in order to gain even more followers, I have extended my Collectibles Mercantile Giveaway through May 4th, at which time I will choose a winner. So, there is still more time to tell your friends and follow me at Collectibles Mercantile.

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Sharkbytes (TM) said…
A sugared hot cross bun with currants. The local bakery
Joanne Olivieri said…
Shark, ooohhhh that sounds delicious but nope :D
Margaret Duarte said…
1. Looks like a Bear Claw. Yum!
2. I'd like to think you were sitting in a bakery surrounded by the smell of butter, sugar and vanilla. And bread baking.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Margaret, Yummy! I'd like to think that too but, nope. All this talk of sweets is making me crave pastries :)
SquirrelQueen said…
Well, after reading the comments above I went back (my first guess was something sweet) and looked at the photo again.

A pizza? With lots of delicious,gooey cheese?

A pizzeria?
Joanne Olivieri said…
Squirrel, you are close but not quite. Now I'm hungry and it's time for bed :D
Shengkay said…
Hi shutterbug!
hmm..for sure its food :P
the sweet one..I guess kinda pineapple something with raisin on it.. your home?

thanks for visiting my TTQ Bruno Mars..
Joanne Olivieri said…
Shengkay, You are right, it is food but nothing sweet, though pineapple and raisins sound good :)
Thanks for visiting.
Lui said…
It is glazed ham topped with pineapple and raisins. You took it from a party in your house!

OR, it could be a refrigerator cake!

Now I'm hungry! ;-)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Lui, Ah that sounds good, I haven't had ham in ages and I love it. I'll have to at least go get a ham sandwich. However, it's not that :D Thanks.
Unknown said…
is it apple pie? that you baked at home ?
Ann said…
My first thought was pizza but I see someone already said that. Other than that I have no clue
Kilauea Poetry said…
Hi first guess would of been some type of apple pie- so second would be plant or fungus?
Unknown said…
it's cassava cake! *LOL*
probably on your counter top.:p
Self Sagacity said…
This looks like a jalapeno pretzel. It looks delicious, what a great macro.
You must have taken this photo while out having a treat, mall?
Colette S said…
I'm thinking it's some sort of dessert.

And you made it in your kitchen?

aloha ;)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks for all of your answers and thoughts. Reading all of these just gets me hungry. It is actually a vegetable quiche that I had while at the Asian Art Museum cafe a couple of weeks ago.
DoanLegacy said…
Oh shoo..I was guessing it's a piece of pie, until I read your comment..That's what I get for arriving late..
Icy BC said…
I'm too late to answer these questions. Running a bit behind as usual :-(
Self Sagacity said…
Oh my gosh, that explains the green stuff. But I can see most people have mistaken it the sauce for caramel or something sweet - that would be too easy, eh? Nice trick ;-)

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