Thursday Two Questions Meme & Giveaway

Stargazer lily taken at the San Francisco Botanical Garden

As you all know I love flowers.  I admit I don't know all their names but I am slowly learning.  My favorite flowers are lilies and in particular the Oriental Trumpet lily which is very similar to the Stargazer lily which is shown in the above photo.  I took this shot yesterday in the garden and was just mesmerized not only by the beauty of this flower but by the scent.

This week I have not only a question for you, just one question but a giveaway as well. The rules are simple.  Answer the question in the comments and then if you would like email me with your name and address and I will send you a packet of seeds from the SF Botanical Gardens.  I cannot guarantee that we will have your favorite flower but I will send something.

My questions is: What is your favorite flower?

Click the above widget for more Thursday Two Questions meme fun

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betchai said…
oh, beautiful macro shot Jo, I really have tons of favorite flowers, I love them all :) anyway, would love to have a variety of sunflowers or daisies or carnation, gee, did I not mention all of them? :)
The Cranky said…
Love the photo, Stargazer lilies...and all the other lilies....are gorgeous.

Hmmm, favourite flower? I'd have to say Autumn Clematis...masses of dainty white flowers when everything else is tapering off and a heavenly scent!
Jim said…
My favorit flower is the Holley Hock. They won't grow here in Southeast Texas as it is too hot for them.
Cathy Kennedy said…
I don't know that I have a favorite flower, but I do love wild flowers. I would love to fill our yard with them and I hope some day to do just that.
Self Sagacity said…
The flower is indeed beautiful. I like to use Lilies at open houses, since they give off a strong scent and it's perferct for an empty house.
My favorite has to be Dahlias, the two tones ones. They call them stars or spears. I have some purple and white and they are exquisite. I will have to post them sometime.
I love the fruit tree flowers too. Their beauty and sometimes shapes and colors change from year to year.
Icy BC said…
My favorite flowers are zinnia because they are easy to care for, and stay blooming for a long time.

Your photo of the stargazer is absolutely stunning!
Colette S said…
That is a beautiful shot of the lilly!

My favorite color is the orchid. When I first met my mom, I bought her orchids.

Unknown said…
I love your flower. I can't pick a favorite. I love them all. I used to pick Tiger lilies and sweet peas for my mom all the time and remember them fondly.