Thursday Two Questions Meme #139

Photo taken at the San Francisco Zoo

1.  What are these two looking at?

2.  How would you caption this photo?

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Photo Cache said…
Emma and Buster visiting for WORLDLESS WEDNESDAY.

Have a good day.
Pearl said…
no peeking. It's my turn to hide.
Icy BC said…
I have to say they are looking at a little fish in the water, and my caption would be "Come here, fishy, fishy.."
Rick (Ratty) said…
1. I think they are looking at you.

2. Take my picture!
Self Sagacity said…
"hey! there is a funny looking fish down there with claws!"

"I hope you will submit my photo to Hollywood!"

Haha. They are really cute. I think they are looking at something in the water and that they liked being photographed.
Unknown said…
I love your picture but for once I am at a loss for words.

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