Sundays In My City - Spreckels Lake

Spreckels Lake in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Unknown Mami
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retired not tired said…
Amazing pictures. Wish I were in the sun instead of the cold.
Wayne W Smith said…
Love the turtle picture!
Tara R. said…
I thought those were full sized sailboats until I noticed the gull in the foreground. Lovely shot.
Keetha Broyles said…

Gorgeous lake - - - and not frozen over like the one I showed at MY place today!

I had to giggle about the turtle on turtle shot.
Unknown said…
Lovely photographs. It's a nice coincidence that you and Unknown Mami feature turtles. Enjoy your day.
Molly said…
I love the last image... so very clever.

Dorothy said…
The lake looks warm and I am jealous!
StarTraci said…
So lovely -- I miss that park.

Happy Sunday!
Claudya Martinez said…
The water looks wonderful.

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