Camera Critters #225

Seagulls out and about all over San Francisco.  I love these birds :)

Camera Critters

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Snap said…
Great shots of the gull. I love gulls -- such entertainers!!!!!
TexWisGirl said…
such characters. :)
joanne said…
your pics are fabulous - such clarity of detail shows the true beauty of these oft-maligned birds...
Beautiful pictures. No saloon, and yet the feathers are healthy and stay in perfect shape.....
Pat said…
Great shots of these characters!
Kathy said…
Gulls are fun subjects. I think they like being photographed!
Icy BC said…
I can see why you love them: they modeled for you, and the last one is outstanding, Jo, with the feathers dancing in the wind.
AVCr8teur said…
Nice close-ups of the gulls. The last one looks like his/her feathers are a little ruffled.

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