Thursday Two Questions Meme #67 Beauty in the Ordinary

As you all know a walk through nature can be a beautiful experience.  During Spring the flowers are in bloom and just waiting for us shutterbugs to visit and display their beauty.  For me, though, I find just as much beauty in the ordinary. 

While at the gardens last week I was walking along and found the barren tree in the first photo surrounded by plush green grass and other trees.  There was something about the light shining on this barren tree that just created the perfect moment for me.  I found it to be just beautiful.  Most people would not find brown, fallen or dead leaves to be beautiful but I happen to think they are beautiful in their own way.  

My two questions this week are:

Do you find beauty in the ordinary?

Where do you go to find beauty?

Thursday Two Questions
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eileeninmd said…
They are lovely photos and I also enjoy nature walks and scenery. The second shot with the leaves and stones is my favorite. Great captures.
Ann said…
1) yes, absolutely
2) just about anywhere. I think it's all in how you look at things. I can look at an old broken down barn and find it beautiful and my husband thinks I'm crazy :) Different perspective
Rick (Ratty) said…
Yes, I do find beauty in the ordinary. I also find beauty in the unordinary. The thing about the ordinary though is most people never take the time to really examine it. It takes an extraordinary person to do that. This kind of person is rewarded with the extraordinary things about the ordinary.

I go to find beauty in many places, but mainly in the middle of a forest. I also find beauty in blogs because with them people get to express themselves on a level that no one ever has before.
SquirrelQueen said…
I love those browns in your photos especially the leaves on the rocks, the different textures are great.

I believe there is beauty everywhere if we take the time, as you do, to look. I can step out my backdoor and see beauty, it's all around us.
Self Sagacity said…
I do find beauty in most things, places. I am one that seldom complain about my trips, places I visit, because I make my own happiness, fun and I don't sit around wondering if something will happen to make me love it.
Well lately, I have been looking at movies to find inspiration and creativity.
Ever since I started working again, it's really important that I try to keep up with the new and exciting stuff in Marketing. :-)

Happy New Year Jo, thanks for playing TTQ
Icy BC said…
1) I found beauty in ordinary things, Jo, and always looking for new ones also.

2) I look for ordinary things, mostly, under my feet, and some time, it is surprising to find beauty right there!

betchai said…
I love finding beauty in the ordinary, Jo, beauty is everywhere indeed just as captured in your pictures.
Colette S said…
Yes I agree, there is beauty in the ordinary and everything.

Yes I do find beauty in the ordinary and I just look around me and I find beauty. In the sounds, the sunrise, sunsets, a laugh ...

Happy New Year
Unknown said…
Yes, they are beautiful, and I find extraordinary in the ordinary. I don't think God makes anything just ordinary. :-)

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