Macro Monday 2 The Confident Rose

As confident as a rose
with satin soft petals
delicately swaying 
against raging winds
in awe of your flexibility

I applaud your confidence.

As strong as a rose
with lean green limbs
standing tall
against Winter storms
in praise of your strength

I salute your courage.

As.beautiful as a rose
with sweetness divine
bearing gifts
against nature's wrath
in praise of your beauty

I bow to your perfection
Inside and Out.

I am participating in Macro Monday 2


kulasa said…
Beautiful vividly colored petals....reminds me of that one sweet person in my life named Rose - my mom....I am sure she will love to see those beautifully captured flowers :)
rainfield61 said…
It is confident because of its beauty.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ah, Rainfield you are so wise and confident :)

Kulasa, Your Mom is truly special. Thanks for your kind words.
Melissa said…
Such rich and warm colors! The petals look so incredibly soft! Gorgeous!
Unknown said…
Gorgeous roses and a beautiful poem.
Susie Clevenger said…
Beautiful rose photos and words to go with them.
Mary said…
Your rose is really a beauty!
Laura said…
Beautiful photos and poetry!
Icy BC said…
Fantastic poem for such a beautiful rose, Jo!
RNSANE said…
Such a beautiful accolade to the rose...and your photos are beautiful as well, Jo.

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