Camera Critters #232

Now, this is not the first time you've seen Claude appearing on Poetic Shutterbug.  However, since Saturday, September 15th is his 17th birthday I had to pay tribute to him by asking all of you to wish him a Happy Birthday :)

Photos taken at the California Academy of Sciences.

Camera Critters 

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The Cranky said…
Happy Birthday Claude! (Great photos btw.)

I shall applaud but not toss in household pets; they might upset your tummy.
rainfield61 said…
It has a 17-years wisdom.

I wonder how it think about you.
gregory urbano said…
i just wandered across your blog and was surprised to see what i believe to be an albino alligator?!
Zenserly said…
happy 17th birthday Claude! :-) love your gorgeous shots :D
eileeninmd said…
Happy Birthday, Claude! What a handsome dude. Great shots!
Pat said…
What an awesome fellow!
Pia said…
Hey Claude you look great! Happy Birthday to you! Big virtual hug :-)
Anonymous said…
What a great fellow. Happy birthday!

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