Thursday Two Questions Meme - Help For Bobbi Kristina Brown
Courtesy of Bobbi Kristina Brown
Since the passing of her Mother, Whitney Houston on February 11, 2012 it is said that 18 year old Bobbi Kristina, daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobbi Brown is out of control on drugs.
I read these articles and see these headlines and I am angry, disgusted and frustrated. Why? Let's forget for a moment that she is a celebrity and look at the facts. She grew up in a dysfunctional household, more often than not being the parent for her parents. She witnessed drug abuse and domestic violence first hand. She became an adult before she was ready.
This is an eighteen year old girl who lost her Mother/best friend, suddenly without any warning. Of course she is out of control. I lost my Mother at 38 and I was out of control, for months. Not to mention, she is constantly in the spotlight, being hounded by the media with tabloid disgust being spewed all over the airwaves and internet. How is she supposed to handle all of this.
She has already been to the hospital twice within 24 hours of Whitney dying and how was it handled? They gave her a sedative. I'm sorry but sedatives do not address the problem. HER MOTHER DIED!!! She needs a caring family member or someone who understands what she is going through and can give her the comfort she needs. Granted, while rehab will help with the drug problem, that will not help the underlying cause which is insurmountable grief right now. There must be someone who can help her.
I have so much fear over this entire situation. I don't want to get online some morning only to read breaking headlines about this girl. Someone needs to take control and help her. If I knew how to get in touch with her myself I would. No, I can't address the drugs but I could help with the underlying problem and anyone who has lost a loved one could do the same.
I hate pointing fingers and blaming anyone, especially within her family but I think right now, caring about Bobbi Kristina is much more important than selling the funeral video and auctioning off Whitney's dresses.
I know for those of you that read this blog you expect flowers and niceties but this situation hit me hard and something needs to be done.
I don't really have two questions this week but rather want everyone to share your opinions.
Thank you.

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the only thing I can do is pray for her, or them. I wished someone in the family would be more attentive to Bobbi Kristina, but she also has to want to be helped- and not fall back to the drugs. How can someone help her to not be abusive with drug again? Why didn't Whitney stop using drugs? The future is scary unless her drug problems are resolved.
Her family should be great support, the grandmother and the aunt. (STAY AWAY FROM DAD!)
I watched all of Whiteny's funeral and it seemed she had pleasing and praising God in most that she did. I hope that somewhere Bobbi Kristina can find reason to remember and honor that.
Again the family would be of help but what 18-year-old goes to family until they are at the very bottom?
You are so right about her needing counseling and support during this tumultuous time. We all pray for her.
I think most of the family is only around because of the chance to GET something and to GET in the spotlight.
I hope someone will take this child..she is still a child. and help her. Just take her away and help her find herself.