Watery Wednesday - Duck Reflection

Taken at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens

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helen said…
Like the water ripples too.
Ann said…
the thought of being in the water leaves me a little chilled but the picture is wonderful
Kris McCracken said…
Pacific black duck. Love 'em!
Anonymous said…
nicely captured. he looks like in deep thoughts.
LindyLouMac said…
A lovely reflection capture. I am calling by from the Watery Wednesday Meme today. I hope to join in often as I have now set up a separate photography blog.
betchai said…
cute, looks like kissing its own reflection.
Cherry said…
so it's called pacific black. love it!
rainfield61 said…
The duck admires the one inside the water, without knowing that this is its own reflection.
Icy BC said…
Stunning header, Jo, and the duck photo is fantastic.
Self Sagacity said…
Love the changes on your blog. Came by to check on you. Hope you are well, haven't seen your Thursday Two Questions. :-)Take care.
RNSANE said…
I'm really quackers about this photograph, Jo.

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