
Showing posts from January, 2009

Snow Goddess

Her eyes reflect the Sun's kiss as she walks upon water. Her wisdom traced on paw print sands as she softly treads along the shore. She dreams of snow laden earth while paws frolic upon icy sea foam. Sabrina, goddess of snow spreads warmth melts hearts on Winter's playground. with love...

Sunset Over Victoria Harbor In Hong Kong

And the sun retreats high aglow orange canvas where Iā€™ve seen this same glow half a world away on a different horizon. And the daylight verbiage quelled by deafening quiet whispers secrets to passerby clouds never remembered. And the harbour bids ā€œfarewell Sun Goddessā€ drowning in darkness gently awaiting a symphony of lights. Until we meet againā€¦

My Love Sense

Love speaks in silence the unconditional stanzaic interlude between heart and soul. Never wanting always waiting to give freely and openly. Love does not see color nor stereotypical ego branded persona. As spirit seer pure love accepts all with understanding and patience. Love hears beyond sound soft whispers of heartstrings playing in rhythm the quiet song - a deafening simplicity defining uniqueness to authentic self. Love tastes the sweet n sour of daily imperfections savoring the bitter with the sweet. The perfect blend providing nourishment for the heart digesting the mix. Love smells indifference and recoils at the nauseous self righteous stench of the arrogant yet embraces the empowering odor of forgiveness - a scent of healing. Love touches softly hearts who hear, minds who see, spirits who know the freedom to give inherent deep within our soul without expectation - unconditionally.

Sleep Travel

My dreams carry me away to a land foreign yet as familiar as home flying through ancient temples market streets lush green and mystical mountains. I awaken with tears of joy and sorrow for I am not there until I return my dreams will embrace the far off land within my heart.

Jubilee Street

Smoky incense orange, mango and pear offered to buddha in a wooden alcove. The street lined as a red carpet event with paper lanterns green, pink, red, gold. Hand woven baskets home to fruits, flowers bok choy and cabbage strewn among street stalls. Neighbors along the street, raw silk, pots and pans, souvenirs and toys compete for attention and the Hong Kong dollar.