My Soulmate With Wings ebook

Kindle ebook available on Amazon. My Soulmate With Wings ebook My Soulmate With Wings For my Sammers By Joanne Olivieri Copyright Ā© 2022 Joanne Olivieri All Rights Reserved Photos by Author. For my baby boy beeper Sammers 12/18/1999 To 3/6/2022 Sammers on my shoulders For my Sammers. As a child my family and I would visit the lake every Sunday and feed the ducks. It was my favorite activity while growing up. My Mom was a bird lover and I inherited that love for birds from her. We always had canaries as pets and the occasional bunny and hamster. When I moved from my childhood home and was working in retail full time with crazy hours, although I wanted a bird, I never felt I had enough time to devote to a pet. A few years ago my health took a turn for the worst and I became disabled and homebound. I decided to take an early retirement and look for a feathered companion of my own. I spent three days scouring Craigslist and and found my precious boy. I callled...