Tribute to Sony Holland

@Kuumbwa Jazz Santa Cruz My story of meeting Sony Holland at Ghirardelli Square. It was a warm morning in February 2003. I was working at Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco. The plaza was empty and I was sitting in the store reading a book. All of a sudden I hear this jazzy tune playing on the Fountain Plaza. I did not recognize the tune but I loved the melody. A few seconds later I was stunned by what I can only describe as the voice of an angel. The pure, smooth vocals were so engaging that I had to get out there and see who this was filling the square with such beautiful music. I went out, stood by the door and saw this elegantly dressed beautiful blonde in a long black gown and heels singing her heart out in this quiet bare plaza. I was completely mesmerized by her voice and stood there for her entire set without even moving. When I heard "This City Is Mine" which was written and composed by Jerry Holland I fell in love with the song. I waited until her set was done an...