
Showing posts from February, 2021

Haiku Etheree, White Daisy by Joanne Olivieri

  white  daisy pirouettes a restless wind whispering freedom

Nonsense Senryu by Joanne Olivieri

  nonsense senryu boogerliniopoulos chirps, boogerkneedee Note: I have many different nicknames for my cockatiel Sammers and these are included. Only my Sammers and I understand this senryu as we speak our own bird language.

Haiku Etheree, dawn debuts by Joanne Olivieri

photo courtesy of pixabay dawn debuts divine light morning sunrise in glorious light

Insomnia by Joanne Olivieri

  Photo taken at Ocean Beach and digitally enhanced from my Photoscapes Unleashed series. Insomnia My pillow turns hot and cold each night relaying visions every hour on the hour. It argues in nonsensical dreams while I question it's motives, tossing and turning all night. The twilight creeps slowly, methodically searching for prey like a spider hunting in the dark and my pillow is the vessel. The sunrise finally appears and rescues my mind with the soft glow of dawn. And I awaken, tired yet grateful for another day.

Premonitions? By Joanne Olivieri

  Premonitions? A collection of true stories. by: Joanne Olivieri Website and Links Ā©Joanne Olivieri 2021 All Rights Reserved Published by Yasou Press This book is dedicated to my friend who has inspired me with his true to life inspiring stories. Thank you Will Mayo for doing what you do. Background It began in 1973. I was 17 and had a dream which resulted in a true to life encounter. Over the years, through the present time I've had many vivid dreams come true in some way since that day in 1973. I don't know exactly if they are premonitions or intuitive feelings but what I do know is that they are never pleasant and always result in a bad situation. The interesting aspect is that I have a terrible memory from day to day but I remember these dreams in vivid detail and the resulting scenario. These are true stories. I tried to remember the dates so as to write them in chronological order so they may not be exact though the years are exact. Enjoy. Unfamiliar Face It was 1973. I ...