For those of you who know me, you know where I work and that I always make decisions based on what my heart tells me to do. I am suffering through mixed emotions right now because my head will not let me listen to my heart. I've been working at the garden for almost a year now. I love the garden itself, my coworkers and many of our regular visitors. One of the biggest problems is that we deal with literally hundreds of visitors each day. When you deal with the public on a regular basis there are bound to be problems and there are here. I don't think one day has gone by that one of us working in admissions hasn't been abused in some way by someone who does not like our policies and blames us basically for doing our job. I won't get into details but when you begin waking up in the middle of the night stressed over your job is it time to leave? Your answers today will very much help me. My heart says stay but my head says move on. I am...